- Click the 'Join or create Team button'
- For Grid View the button is located in the top right of the screen
- For List View the button is at the bottom left of the screen
- Choose 'Create a team'
- When prompted, choose the type of Team you want to create
- Choose a team type to collaborate in Microsoft Teams [External Link]
- Class, PLC and Staff Teams are created with a customized OneNote
- Staff Teams are best for use by a department
- Other Teams for general purpose
- Only Faculty and Staff can create a "Class" and "PLC" type of Team
- When prompted you can add users to the team using the People Picker. Enter partial or full name, NetID or email address (external users)
- For each user added to the team, assign their role as Owner or Member
- We recommend at least two owners are configured in each Team
- We recommend at least two owners are configured in each Team