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Students are limited to earning a maximum of three (3) credits towards their degree through an internship and the job duties must be approved prior to the work experience If you have any questions about internships for your program of study, please feel free to contact iAdvising or Career Services.

IS students can only do internship work for credit if this petition is approved.  Completed petition forms must be sent to  The iAdvising team will let you know if your petition is approved or denied. Keep in mind that this process involves multiple people so it may take at least 7-10 days for approval.  IS students must not accept an internship offer for credit before this petition has been approved.  International students cannot work for an off campus employer unless the work is done for credit, so be very careful in planning your internship.  

Students are encouraged to seek meaningful, relevant internships in which they can apply the theories taught in the classroom to real world applications. While Site Supervisors do share their knowledge and expertise with interns, the students give a tremendous amount back to the organization in terms of projects completed, professional services rendered, enthusiasm, creativity, and new approaches to information problems.


1.  Must I do an internship?

Internships are not required for the IS program of study curriculum.   However, according to the Graduate Handbook, IS students may earn up to three credits through internship.   

2.  What will an internship opportunity cost?


3.  How and where do I register for an internship opportunity?

IS students do not need permission to register for the internship course, IST 974.  This is because the work must be pre-approved by the IS faculty before a student may use internship credit for his/her program of study. Once the work is approved  971.  After completing 18 credits  you will be able to register through the University MySlice system for your internship opportunity, just as you would for any other class. You will automatically be enrolled in the online portion of the course (Blackboard)  for IST 974 971 once you register.  All interns are required to complete the assignments listed in the course syllabus.


All internship courses require academic assignments as well as working for the employer.  These academic assignments are found in the Bb for the IST 974 971 course.  Some of the assignments in the Bb course for IST 974 971 are mandatory forms to fill out during the internship. The Proposal Form should be uploaded to the IST 974 971 Bb course at least one week before you begin working, so that the faculty supervisor is aware of your intended participation of the course. You will not get credit for the internship work experience if you do not turn in this paperwork!   No student is allowed to seek permission for a work experience that happened in the past.  There are other mandatory forms to fill out at various points of your internship timeline.  


II.  After you have accepted an offer:                                                            _____ First, you must get your internship work approved by filling out the Petition to the Faculty form and sending it to  Attach your offer letter as well.  

                           This is a MUST for IS students!            _____  Once the work is approved, register for IST 974 971 for three (3) credit hours on MySlice.

            _____  Meet with your Site Supervisor

            _____  Fill out the Proposal form and upload it to the Bb IST 974971

 III.  During the internship:

           _____ Fill out the Learning Agreement, upload it to the Bb for IST 974971

           _____ Complete other assignments due during the early part of your internship for your  Faculty Supervisor (see the Course Content in the Bb for IST 974971)

            _____ Work the necessary number of hours


            _____ Fill out the Student Evaluation Form (upload it to the Bb for IST 974971)

           _____ Complete the Final Reflection assignment and upload it to the Bb for IST 974971

            _____ Remind your Site Supervisor to complete an evaluation form
