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This page includes links to forms that you may use to request new Listserv lists or have an existing list deleted.

Before requesting a new list, please review the Syracuse University Listserv Policies. 

Read the descriptions below of the various types of lists and select the form that best fits your particular need. Please allow 24-48 hours for the list to be created. 

Table of Contents


New Lists Types

Lists can be set up to function in various ways depending on the needs of the group being served. The following categories of lists meet typical functional requirements, and your selection of list type will determine the initial list configuration .

If needed, you can modify the way a list functions once it has been created or you can request a list with specific features by selecting the Customized List option.

Discussion Lists  (For Public or Private Group Discussion)

Discussion lists are intended to promote and encourage open discussion on specific topics. Discussion lists are classified as either Private or Public. Private discussion lists are recommended for groups and organizations where the communications are restricted to group members, and where privacy and security of the list transactions are desired. Public discussion lists are recommended for lists whose purpose is to promote broad discussion in a topic area with little or no control over membership or content. Such lists are often targets for unwanted junk email, known commonly as spam. Information describing the list will appear in on-line directories, allowing interested people worldwide to find, join, and send to the list. There are many examples of successful public discussion lists that support communities of people exchanging information and ideas about specific topics.

New Discussion List Request Form

Broadcast List (For Announcements Only)

For lists whose purpose is to disseminate information and announcements to members, but not to receive messages back from them. These lists must have one or more editors who send the announcements.

New Broadcast List Request Form

Customized List (For Special Features)

For special situations and features, such as digests, archives, multiple owners, or where unusual combinations of features are needed.

New Customized List Request Form

Class Lists (For Instructional Use in Classes)

For use in classes where the faculty member wants to use email to communicate with students. Class lists are configured so that either students self-subscribe or the instructor adds student's email addresses. This option is offered on the list request form. Selecting the Students Self Subscribe option will ensure that the students are subscribed with the addresses they normally use for their email. The faculty member should instruct students to subscribe to the list and should verify that all students enrolled in the class are members of the list, and that there are no outside members. When the Instructor Adds Students option is selected, faculty member directly ADDs subscriptions to the list based on e-mail addresses from the students themselves or from the course roster. There is a bulk ADD function available to make this process simple and efficient. The University designates each student's address as an official communications channel, and therefore, you may require them to read mail at that address.

New Class List Request Form


Deleting Lists

We prefer that only list owners request deletion. If a list owner is no longer able to manage a list, please have the Academic or Administrative IT support personnel place the request. This is a system function that cannot be performed directly by the list owners. Your request will be sent to 

ITS Help Desk who will perform this task after verifying that you are the valid owner of the list, or the Academic or Administrative IT support personnel deem the list ownership has been forfeited. When a list is deleted all of the subscriptions to the list are also deleted automatically.

No notification is sent to the subscribers. If you are deleting an active list, please notify subscribers beforehand.

List Deletion Request Form



If the list will be used again within a year or so, it should remain "dormant" rather than being deleted. If someone else will use it in the future, list ownership can be transferred to that person.


Additional Listserv instructions, including how-to instructions and videos, can be found on the the Listserv manuals page

For support of the information above, contact the ITS Help Desk by calling at 315-443-2677, by emailing, or by stopping into 1-227 CST.