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  • MAX 123: Critical Issues for the United States

  • PAI 305:   Policy Implementation
  • PST 101:  An An Introduction to the Analysis of Public PolicyPolicy 
  • MAX 201: Quantitative Methods for Social Sciences
  • PST 315:  Methods of Public Policy Analysis & Presentation
  • PST 410:  Practicum in Public Policy
  • ECN 101:  Introductory Microeconomics


The eligible courses within each specialization are available each semester on the View filename2022 FALL POLICY STUDIES COURSE SELECTION GUIDE_A.pdfheight250.

A minor in policy studies is granted after all coursework has been completed. A Petition to the Faculty form should be written listing completed courses that count towards the minor. If you are undecided between the minor and the major, contact Professor Wilcoxen or Michelle Walker at or come to Eggers 225 to make an appointment. Once you have decided on the minor, Michelle Walker will be your advisor.

>> Visit the Course Catalog for more information on the requirements for a major in Policy Studies or minor in Policy Studies.

I am so grateful for the policy studies program, it really shaped my college experience. Between the skills I acquired and the opportunities it provided, it definitely helped get me to where I am. 


  Lauren Rowell, '17


PST Geospatial Intelligence


International Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START)

What Do We Know about Our Policy Studies Students?

They Get Good Jobs Right Out of College

Employers of Policy Studies alumni include:

  • Consulting companies such as Deloitte, Booz Allen Hamilton, Ernst and Young (EY), and ICF;
  • Local, state, and national governments;
  • Non-profit organizations like Planned Parenthood, AARP, The United Way, and The Children’s Defense Fund;
  • Financial companies such as IBM, JP Morgan Chase, Citibank, and Goldman Sachs;
  • Lobby groups like The National Health Coalition;
  • Large multinationals like Google, United Technologies, and the Walt Disney Company; and
  • About 15% of graduates join Teach for America, the Peace Corps, or AmeriCorps.

They Get into Top-rated Law and Graduate Programs

Graduates with a degree in Policy Studies have been admitted to several prestigious law schools, including Harvard University; Columbia University; the University of California at Berkeley; the University of Michigan; and Georgetown University, and top graduate programs such as the Maxwell School’s MPA program, New York University, John Hopkins School of Public Health, Princeton University, Harvard University, the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, and Duke University.

Many of our alumni go to graduate school after working for a few years after completing their undergraduate studies, then they attend prestigious graduate and law schools, frequently receiving financial help from their employer.

They Win Important Awards

Of the 18 Syracuse students to win a prestigious Truman Scholarship, which awards $30,000 for graduate school, 14 have been Policy Studies majors.

Teach for America (TFA) accepts between three and seven majors every year. More than 30% of all TFA Syracuse students are Policy Studies majors.

On average, five out of the 35 Remembrance Scholars per year are Policy Studies majors.