Begin Thinking About a Proposal
Inform the Associate Dean for Research about your intent to search for funding. The sooner we know, the more assistance we can offer!
Start looking for funding opportunities independently and with the ADR.
The ADR will inform and work with other offices on campus as appropriate.
Proposal Writing and Budget Preparation
Meet with the School of Education budget director. You’ll begin to create the budget for your proposal using the OSP budget template. Consult with the Budget Director on refinements throughout the process.
Consult with the Associate Dean for Research regarding content and text review.
Proposal Submission
Complete the Internal Routing and Review of Sponsored Programs Form (IRR) at least 3 days prior to submission due date. Have your Department Chair sign the IRR form, and send to the Budget Director. They will then meet with the Dean for signature.
Submit your signed IRR form with the full proposal and budget to the Office of Sponsored Programs, and send an electronic copy of all signed documents to the Budget Director and Associate Dean for Research.
Additional Considerations
Purchasing: equipment, computers, other electronics, general supplies
Cost sharing: generally not to be proposed unless required to by the funding agency
Paying people: salary recovery, summers, contractors/subcontractors, students
Indirect costs: Include expenses not directly related to a research project including electricity, facilities, equipment deprecation, administrative, and libraries. Syracuse University uses the federally negotiated rate of 50% MTDC (Modified Total Direct Costs). This rate means, that, for instance, an institution receiving $150 million will get $100 million for the research and $50 million, or one-third of the total, for indirect costs. But there are multiple caps that lower the base amount from which the indirect rate is calculated, or that limit the amount of money that a research institution can request. So very few institutions receive the full negotiated rate on the direct funding they receive.
Beth Ferri, Associate Dean for Research
baferri@syr.edu, 315.443.1465John Beecher, Budget Director
jtbeeche@syr.edu, 315.443.4753