Versions Compared


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The worksheet is comprised of  links to MySlice/Degree works Answers, the student's academic information, worksheet formats, requirement blocks, historical audits and the legend. Students can also print their audit, email their advisor or view their class history which is similar to an "unofficial transcript."



NOTE: If printing a frozen audit, keep in mind that the frozen information does not appear on the pdf. It is a defect that is being reviewed by the vendor. If you wish to print a frozen audit, print directly from your internet browser instead of using the print button in the Degree Works dashboard.

Emailing Advisor


  •  TR - the grade associated with transfer credit awarded from another institution
  • OT - the grade awarded for test based transfer credit (i.e. AP exam)
  • IP - the grade for a course that is currently being taken
  • : (colon) Designates a range of courses; If a colon is showing between course numbers in a requirement (i.e. CHE 100:499) it designates a range. Any course within the numbers in the range will fulfill the requirement
  • ADV_APPR - Advisor Approved; A requirement that contains ADV_APPR Advisor Approved means that an advisor must approve the course to be used for that requirement and the advisor or school/college representative is responsible for manually entering the course into Degree Works through exceptions.