Academic advisors will be one of your best resources as you figure out your academic career at Syracuse, helping you navigate class schedules/course selection and providing information on how to get involved with the college, university, and arts community to graduate on time and with the experience necessary to succeed.
Undergraduate students are eligible to register and schedule adjust as outlined by the Office of the Registrar. If you are running into issues with registration, please refer to the support page on the registrar's website. We also have resources on how to search and register for classes.
Please be aware that there are additional fees for some classes. These fees will be noted in the class information on MySlice. You can also refer to the Tuition, fees, and Related Policies Bulletin.
Note: Most College of Visual and Performing Arts students are required to meet with their faculty advisor before they can register for classes. For more information, please refer to the VPA Statement on Academic Advising.
Selecting the Proper Elective Courses: Studio, Academic, or Studies in Culture?
An academic elective is any course taught at Syracuse University , or SUNY ESF , that is not studio in nature. This includes courses found in the Newhouse School, Martin J. Whitman School of Management, School of Education, and College of Arts and Sciences.
- If you need to sign up for a math course, please make sure you take the placement exam. This is found on MySlice.
- If you need to sign up for a language course, please make sure you have taken the appropriate entrance exam and/or met with the program coordinator. Online placement exams are available.
- Language coordinators' contact information can be found here.
- VPA Liberal Arts Electives PDF
- VPA Academic Electives PDF
- VPA Studies in Culture Electives PDF
- VPA Studio Elective Lists.pdfElectives PDF
- VPA Art History or Art in Context Elective Lists.pdfElectives PDF
- VPA IDEA_WRT Intensive List.pdfElectives PDF
What about a “fun” or “easy” class? We are firm believers that any class has the potential to be fun and easy! It will be wholly dependent on what you are interested in and find exciting. Your “easy” could be another student’s Everest!