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Table of Contents

Topic Overview

Test options can be modified to reflect accommodations needed for specific students. These options can be used to allow extended time on tests, allow single, multiple, or unlimited attempts to specific students or groups of students.

Test Availability


The test must be available in order for students to access it.


  • Auto-Submit

    • If you set the timer, you can turn on Auto-Submit. Tests are automatically saved and submitted when the time expires.
    • If you don't turn on Auto-Submit, students have the option to continue when the time expires even beyond the 1440-minute maximum timer length. Those tests appear Student submissions that happen after the time expires will show in the Grade Center with the "Needs Grading icon in the Grade Center to alert you ".  This "Needs Grading icon" alerts you that students used more time. The tests also appear with an OVER TIME label in the Test Information area. The system doesn't does not apply an automatic penalty for completion times that are over the limit. On a student's submission page, you can adjust the grade based on the completion time.

Test Availability Exceptions - setting different test options for specific student(s) or group(s)

  1. In Test Settings under the Test Availability Options, click on Add User or Group, select the appropriate student or group, and click Submit.
  2. Under the Attempts column, click the drop-down menu to choose between Single Attempt, Multiple Attempts, or Unlimited Attempts. If Multiple Attempts is selected, enter the number of attempts.


  • In Test Settings under the Test Availability Options, click on Add User or Group, select the appropriate student or group, and click Submit.
  • Under the Timer column, check the box and enter the amount of time (in minutes) that you would like to allow for this student or group.

test option exceptions settings

Due Date

Instructors can choose to set a due date for the test.



Careful - the Due Date setting will override any Test Availability Exception availability dates. Make sure this date is after any other availability date

Self-Assessment Options

  • Instructors can choose whether or not to include test results in the Grade Center. This is useful if the test grade does not count toward a student's grade.
  • They may also choose to entirely hide the results from showing in Grade Center.

Show Test Results and Feedback to Students

Instructors can specify what type of feedback they would like to show students after an exam has been taken.

  • Instructors can choose:
    • When feedback is shown:
      • After Submission
      • One Time View
      • On a Specific Date
      • After Due Date
      • After Availability End Date
      • After Attempts are Graded

    • What feedback is shown:
      • Score per Question
      • Answers:
        • All Answers - shows all possible answers to students.
        • Correct Answers - shows the correct answer for each question but does not indicate the answers that the student chose.
        • Submitted answers - shows the answers that the student chose while completing the test, but does not indicate which questions they got wrong.
      • Feedback - shows the feedback for each question. The feedback is added to each question when in the Edit Test setting.
      • Show Incorrect Questions - shows students questions that were marked as incorrect.

Test Presentation

Instructors can choose to present the test:
