Coming this September, in addition to adding/editing a preferred name, you will also be able to enter personal pronouns, gender and prefix as well. For a current list of proposed possibilities, please refer to the following options:
- She, her, hers, herself
- He, him, his, himself
- They, them, theirs, themselves
- Ze, hir, hirs, hirself
- No pronouns - Use my name
- Mr.
- Ms.
- Mrs.
- Miss
- Mx.
*Binary options are still the default. Variations are under consideration.
Comments, thoughts, and recommendations are all welcome. Please submit to PNPGAC@syr.edu. 2018-10-16, Campus & Community: Lend Your Insights to Help the University Respect Personal Pronouns
2019-06-03 Update on Pronouns at Syracuse University
2019-06-27, Campus & Community: Syracuse University Shares its Pride at CNY Parade
2019-10-16, Campus & Community: University Celebrates International Pronouns Day, Launches New MySlice Feature
2020-10-20, Campus & Community: University Celebrates International Pronouns Day on Wednesday