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When a student is judged not to have met the University, school, or program requirements, the department chair will notify the student in writing of this determination and the recommendation of dismissal from his or her program. A copy of this notice will be sent to the senior assistant dean for academic and student servicesAssistant Dean for Student Success. If no appeal of the dismissal is lodged within one month (30 days), the student will be administratively withdrawn.


The written appeal should be directed to the senior assistant dean for academic and student services. The senior assistant dean Assistant Dean for Student Success. The Assistant Dean will transmit the appeal to the School of Education’s policies, standards, and scholarships committee. The committee will forward a copy of the appeal to the student’s department. The committee, or a subcommittee of it consisting of at least three tenured faculty members, will constitute the appeal panel. The appeal panel will make every effort to hear the appeal within a month (30 days) of the committee’s receiving the written appeal. However, the timing of the appeal or its circumstances may require a longer period of investigation. The appeal panel will not question the requirements the program has set nor will it substitute its own judgment for the judgment of the program faculty about whether the student has met those requirements. Valid grounds for appeal arise if the program fails to provide or implement uniform and consistent requirements, or bases an assessment on other than the stated criteria. Thus the appeal panel will consider whether the student was provided with “accurate and plainly stated information relating to maintenance of acceptable academic standing,” as required by the University Student Handbook, and whether the program applied those requirements, and only those requirements, in making its decision.


The written appeal should be directed to the Senior Assistant theAssistant Dean for Academic and Student ServicesSuccess. The Senior Assistant Dean will transmit the appeal to the School of Education’s Policies, Standards, and Scholarships Committee. The committee will forward a copy of the appeal to the student’s department. The committee, or a subcommittee of it consisting of at least three tenured faculty members, will constitute the appeal panel.
