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Educational Outcomes

Doctoral Program Educational Outcomes

The Syracuse University Marriage and Family Therapy Program (SUMFT) resides as a freestanding department within the David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics, and as part of the larger Syracuse University community. With a mission of promoting learning through teaching, research, scholarship, creative accomplishment and service, Syracuse University is driven by its vision of preparing engaged citizens, scholars, and leaders for participation in a changing global society. This vision advocates for a commitment toward creative activity and research that address emerging opportunities and societal needs.

Doctoral Mission Statement




Program Goals, Student Learning Outcomes, Targets & Benchmarks

The Program Goals are informed by the Professional Marriage and Family Therapy Principles (PMFTPs), which include:

Consistent with our Mission Statement, our program goals, student learning outcomes (SLOs), and associated targets and benchmarks are as follow:

Program Goal #1: To prepare MFT scholars to advance systemic theory knowledge

SO#1: Students will demonstrate competence in advanced theory and theory building as evidenced by:

  • Benchmark 1.1: At least 80% of students will pass their qualifying examination which articulates their theory of therapy.

  • Benchmark 1.2: At least 80% of students will receive a B or higher on the MFT 861 assignment in which they articulate their philosophy of supervision.

  • Benchmark 1.3: At least 80% of students will receive a B or higher on the MFT 865 assignment related to theory development.

Program Goal #2: To train MFT scholars prepared to advance systemic and relational research

SLO#2: Students will demonstrate research competence as evidenced by:

  • Benchmark 2.1: At least 80% of students will pass the research portion of the qualifying examination.

  • Benchmark 2.2: At least 80% of students will demonstrate skills of ethical research and cultural sensitivity consistent with the Code of Ethics of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy as evident by completion of the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) training before dissertation proposal approval.

  • Benchmark 2.3: At least 80% of students will receive a B or higher on the MFT 882 Evaluative Assignment.

Program Goal #3: To provide students the foundation for becoming an AAMFT Approved Supervisor

SLO#3: Students will demonstrate supervisory competence as evidenced by:

  • Benchmark 3.1: At least 80% of students will receive a B or better in MFT 861 (Supervision of Therapy) course.

  • Benchmark 3.2: At least 80% of students will maintain an AAMFT membership.

Program Goal #4: To train MFT scholars prepared to teach systemic and relational curricula

SLO#4: Students will demonstrate professional teaching competence as evidenced by at least one of the following:

  • Benchmark 4.1: At least 80% of students will pass the oral examination of their qualifying exam which assesses their ability to teach theoretical constructs.

  • Benchmark 4.2: At least 80% of students will receive a B or better in the teaching assignment for MFT 865.

  • Benchmark 4.3: At least 80% of students will be the presenter for at least one poster, paper, and/or workshop at a professional meeting while in residence.

Program Goal #5: To train ethical therapists with advanced relational and systemic clinical skills

SLO#5: Students will demonstrate clinical competence as evidenced by:

  • Benchmark 5.1: At least 80% of students will complete 1,000 clinical hours with 200 hours of supervision by an AAMFT Approved Supervisor or equivalent by graduation.

  • Benchmark 5.2: At least 80% of students will receive a 3 or higher rating on the Evaluation Form of Student completed by supervisor.

  • Benchmark 5.3: Students will demonstrate skills of ethical practice and cultural sensitivity consistent with the Code of Ethics of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy as evidenced by at least 80% of students will receive a 3 or higher rating on the Evaluation Form of Student completed by Supervisor (specifically 4a, 4b, 4g, 4i, 5a-d 6a, 6b, 6c, and 6d).

Program Goal #6: To prepare systemic scholars who are sensitive to social justice and diversity

SLO#6: Students will demonstrate awareness and engagement with cultural and contextual difference:

  • Benchmark 6.1: At least 80% of students will pass the cultural awareness portion of the qualifying examination.

  • Benchmark 6.2: At least 80% of students will receive a B or better in the Cultural Diversity assignment (Special Topic) for MFT 875.

Master Program Educational Outcomes




Syracuse University’s Mission

To promote learning through teaching, research, scholarship, creative accomplishment and service.


The Syracuse University MFT program’s mission is to educate and train clinicians, scholars, and researchers in the ethical and systemic practice of MFT with a commitment to diversity and inclusion.

SU MFT Program Goals

  1. Self in-Systems: To train family systems professionals who are informed by a Self in Systems perspective

  2. Diversity: To prepare family systems professionals who are sensitive to, and engaged with social justice issues

  3. Practice: To prepare family systems professionals who are competent systems clinicians able to provide services across a variety of contexts.

  4. Ethics: To prepare family systems professionals with knowledge and skills for MFT legal and ethical analysis and decision-making

  5. Knowledge and Research: To prepare family systems professionals with an educational foundation grounded in family systems theory and research

Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Students will demonstrate awareness and regulation of self in system

  2. Students will demonstrate engagement with cultural and contextual differences

  3. Students will demonstrate MFT clinical competency skills across a variety of contexts

  4. Students will demonstrate an applied knowledge of MFT legal and ethical guidelines and professional standards

  5. Students will demonstrate an applied knowledge of MFT historical, current, and research-informed theoretical information

Highlights from the Master Program Cycle of Assessment and Evaluation Processes

All of the following benchmarks for our Program Goals and associated Student Learning Outcomes have been met or exceeded in the last academic year.

Program Goal #1 (Self-in-Systems): To train family systems professionals who are informed by a Self-in-Systems perspective.

SLO#1: Students will demonstrate awareness and regulation of self in system.

Benchmark 1.1: At least 70% of students will receive a 3 or higher rating on the Clinical Readiness Interview Rubric (specifically 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, and 2c).

Benchmark 1.2: At least 70% of students will receive a 3 or higher rating on the Evaluation Form of Student completed by Supervisor (specifically questions 4a, 4b, 4g, 4i, 6a, 6b, 6c, and 6d, which are associated with awareness and regulation of self in systems)

Program Goal #2 (Diversity): To prepare family systems professionals who are sensitive to, and engaged with social justice issues. 

SLO#2. Students will demonstrate engagement with cultural and contextual differences.

Benchmark 2.1: At least 70% of students will receive a B or better on the final project in MFT 684.

Benchmark 2.2: At least 70% of students will receive a 3 or higher rating on the Evaluation Form of Student completed by Supervisor (specifically questions 4b, 4g, 6b and 6d which are associated with cultural and contextual engagement) (Target: 90 %?)

Program Goal #3 (Clinical Competency): To prepare family systems professionals who are competent systems clinicians able to provide services across a variety of contexts.

SLO#3: Students will demonstrate MFT clinical competency skills across a variety of contexts.

Benchmark 3.1: At least 70% of students will receive a 3 or higher rating on the Evaluation Form of Student completed by Supervisor (specifically questions 1a-f, 2a-e, 3a-d, 4c-f, and 4h)

Program Goal #4 (Ethics): To prepare family systems professionals with knowledge and skills for MFT legal and ethical analysis and decision-making

SLO#4: Students will demonstrate an applied knowledge of MFT legal and ethical guidelines and professional standards.

Benchmark 4.1: At least 70% of students will receive a 3 or higher rating on the Evaluation Form of Student completed by Supervisor (specifically questions 5a-d)

Benchmark 4.2: At least 70% of students will receive a B or better on the final project in MFT 681 (Ethics- Personal and Professional Integration Paper)

Program Goal #5 (Knowledge and Research): To prepare family systems professionals with an educational foundation grounded in family systems theory and research-informed practice)

SLO#5: Students will demonstrate an applied knowledge of MFT historical, current, and research-informed theoretical information.

Benchmark 5.1: At least 70% of students will receive a B or higher rating two family systems theory course exams (MFT 671 and MFT 682).

Benchmark 5.2: At least 70% of students will receive a B or higher rating two family systems theory course exams (MFT 671 and MFT 682).

COAMFTE Graduate Achievement Criteria Data Disclosures

The Falk College Marriage & Family Therapy programs are accredited by The Commission on Accreditation for Marriage and Family Therapy Education (COAMFTE), 112 South Alfred Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314, (703) 838-9808, COAMFTE is recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). As a part of our accreditation, we are asked to provide consistent information about academic quality and graduate achievement to foster continuing public awareness, confidence, and investment. We do this in an annual report on graduate achievement. Below are charts outlining our annual graduation rates, job placement rates and licensure rates.
