Occasionally faculty may have a need for additional software to meet their research needs. If they have research funds, they can use those to purchase the software licenses through the SOE IT team. If they do not have any funding, they can request SOE funding for the software license. In either case, you should complete the software request form found at:
This form will gather valuable information about your research, software request, any collaborators, and where funding is coming from. This will allow SOE to align software and research more efficiently, share expertise, minimize costs, and prioritize funding.
If you are unsure of what software you might use, ITS lists some common software (link to list is below) already in use on campus that they can provide pricing for licensing to SOE IT.
The information submitted in software request form is routed to the Assistant Dean of Research for review, and they will contact you for any clarification needed or decisions made. The request is then set along with the approval or denial to the SOE IT team so they are made aware of the decision and can assist you with procurement and install if approved.