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Issues involving alleged sexual harassment are handled by the University’s Office of Equal Opportunity, Inclusion, and Resolution Services.   Tables 1&2 (below) show various types of formal grievances and the authority for their adjudication. 


The first source named in Table 1 or 2 (below) is the appropriate source for presenting an initial grievance when informal discussions or mediations have not resolved the complaint. If the party is not satisfied, the complaint may be taken to the next level, but in most instances the second person in the hierarchy will not respond until the complaint has been discussed with the person(s) directly involved and the person at the first level of the formal grievance process. 


Source of Authority for Adjudication of Grievances 


Table 1: Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics Grievance Types and Source of Authority for Adjudication (Outside of the College Grievance Committee) 

Type of Grievance

Source of Adjudication


Sexual harassment: faculty accused as harasser

Committee on Academic Freedom, Tenure and Professional Ethics and Office of Equal Opportunity, Inclusion, and Resolution Services

SU Faculty Manual

Sexual harassment: student accused as harasser

Office of Equal Opportunity, Inclusion, and Resolution Services and Office of Judicial Affairs

SU Student Handbook

Sexual harassment: staff accused as harasser

Office of Equal Opportunity, Inclusion, and Resolution Services

HR website/PPM

Racial/ethnic/age/gender/religious/ability/other civil discrimination or other harassment: faculty accused as harasser

Office of Equal Opportunity, Inclusion, and Resolution Services

SU Faculty Manual

Racial/ethnic/age/gender/religious/ability/other civil discrimination or other harassment: student accused as harasser

Office of Judicial Affairs and Office of Equal Opportunity, Inclusion, and Resolution Services

SU Student Handbook

Racial/ethnic/age/gender/religious/ability/other civil discrimination or other harassment: staff accused as harasser

Office of Human Resources and Office of Equal Opportunity, Inclusion, and Resolution Services

HR website/PPM

Discrimination in violation of university policy, suffered by any member of the university community

Office of Equal Opportunity, Inclusion, and Resolution Services

SU Faculty Manual

Student appeal of suspension from university for academic reasons

College Academic Progress Committee

SU Rules & Regulations

Student alleged violation of the Code of Student Conduct (non-academic)

Office of Judicial Affairs

SU Student Handbook

Faculty alleged unprofessional/unethical behavior to student

University Senate AFTPE Committee and Office of Student Assistance/Dean of Students

SU Faculty Manual and Student Handbook

Faculty alleged failure to accommodate student disability

Office of Disability Services

SU Student Handbook

Faculty alleged unprofessional/unethical behavior to faculty/staff/university organization

University Senate AFTPE Committee

SU Faculty Manual

Faculty appeals decision of department/college P&T on procedural basis

University Senate Appts. & Promotions Committee

College Faculty Reference Manual, SU Faculty Manual

Faculty grievance of academic freedom

University Senate AFTPE Committee

SU Faculty Manual

Faculty grievance of unfair treatment by faculty, by chair, or by staff

Dept Chair/Director/Dean/University Senate AFTPECommittee/Academic Human Resources if unfair treatment is by faculty

Dean/SenateAFTPE CommitteeSupervisor if unfair treatment is by chair or staff

Staff grievance of unfair treatment

Office of Human Resources

HR website/PPM

Faculty alleged failure to meet teaching responsibilities

Department Chair/College Dean

SU Faculty Manual and College Faculty Reference Manual

Faculty grievance of salary inequity

Department Chair; College Dean

Alleged violation of the Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities

Office of Judicial Affairs

SU Student Handbook


Table 2: Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics Grievance Types Handled by the College Grievance Committee 

Each school, department or program may have informal or formal procedures to be followed before initiating a grievance at the college level (See Appendix A). Each department or school has a chair or director who should be consulted before proceeding to the next source of adjudication. 


When such informal processes do not lead to satisfactory resolution by the parties involved, the dissatisfied party will be referred to the appropriate body for the submission of a formal grievance. Table 1 outlines the adjudicating body for the various types of formal grievances outside the college. 

For those issues that fall within the scope of the College, the College Grievance Committee is the body responsible for hearing charges or appeals, and making a determination. Table 2 outlines the types of formal grievances to be heard by the College Grievance Committee. 
