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The public health internship is a planned, approved, supervised and evaluated field experience in a professional agency involved in the delivery of public health related services. The internship is designed to integrate theory and practice in an applied setting under supervision. Students It is expected that students have significant contact with the agency and its personnel, and that most of the internship work is conducted on site.   Internships conducted solely under faculty supervision, such as research or laboratory work, are not acceptable for PHP 422. Clinical internships are also not allowable

The public health internship settings are generalist in nature and provide students opportunity to develop skills in one if not more roles essential to public health practice with individuals, groups, organizations, and communities. Student internship work is planned within the limits imposed by a given site’s mission, structure, and the modes of intervention that characterize its service delivery. Internships have been developed at sites within Central New York; however, not all are always available as agency resources to support the student intern vary each semester.


PHP 422 Senior Capstone Internship carries two (2) to nine (9) academic credits based on concentration:  2 credits (90 hours) for Addiction Studies, 3 credits (135 hours) for Health Care Management and Health & Society, and 6 or 9 credits (270 or 400 hours) for Community Health Education (depending on the semester the students program of study started).  The internship is completed over one (1) 15-week semester or one (1) combined , 12-week summer session.

Preparing for PHP 422 Senior Capstone Internship


Step 2:  Register for Tevera. You will need to visit the "PHP 375" course on your Blackboard. Click In this course, click the link labeled "Tevera" and activate your student account. This will bring you to our internship tracking system where you will complete the following planning steps. 


As demonstrated in the practice setting:

  1. Demonstrate Complies with workplace professional workplace behavior expectations.

  2. Communicate in oral and written formats appropriate to professional and academic settings.

  3. Interact Demonstrates awareness, respect, and sensitivity to diverse cultural perspectives when interacting with individuals, groups, and /or communities across diverse settings.Participate as a member of a professional workplace team.

As demonstrated by the capstone paper:


  • Plan an orientation for the intern to the agency’s physical setting, policies, services, and links with other service delivery systems in the local community, region, state, or nation.

  • Provide clear communication to the intern regarding day-to-day expectations.

  • Enrich the intern’s learning opportunities through carefully selected educational experiences.

  • Hold a supervisory conference (with the student) of at least one hour of “protected time” per week, in addition to “normal” interaction throughout the weeks.

  • Assess regularly Regularly assess the intern’s level of knowledge, educational needs and interest in collaboration with the internship placement coordinator.

  • Review and sign the student’s time sheets.

  • Participate in the evaluation of Intern Performance:

    • Situations in which the student’s performance brings into question the student’s ability or willingness to meet minimally acceptable standards are communicated to both the student and the internship placement coordinator. Obvious examples are erratic attendance patterns, failure to keep appointments or other obligations, inappropriate behavior in the professional role, violation of the ethics or laws, and refusal or failure to carry out policies or procedures that are vital to the organization’s functioning. It is especially crucial that any performance deficiency be brought to the student’s attention as soon as it has been observed. Only in this way do the student and the site supervisor and internship placement coordinator have full opportunity to initiate timely corrective steps.

    • Provide the internship placement coordinator with a written evaluation of the intern’s performance at the mid- and end of term. PHP 422 Internship Evaluation Forms will be provided in advance to the site supervisor.

    • Discuss the mid-term evaluation with the intern and internship placement coordinator at a scheduled meeting.

    • Intern activities which may be evaluated may include but are not limited to review of work products (brochures, education materials, literature reviews), oral presentations, participation in group meetings, and fulfillment of daily responsibilities.
