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Downloadable Undergraduate Studies Handbook PDF 1MB


All Setnor School of Music students must be registered for Convocation each semester they are in residence. In the first year fall semester Students will be registered for AMC 100 SEM to fulfill this Convocation requirement. They must attend both the AMC 100 meeting and Convo. Convocation will occur on Thursday afternoons from 12:30-1:50 in Setnor Auditorium or in another designated location. Convocation is a time for student and faculty performances, guest artists, master classes, and studio classes. Everyone must attend the first Convocation on Thursday, August 29, where the semester Convocation schedule will be presented.

Music Education Academy, Music Composition Seminar, Music Industry Forum

  • Music Education majors: on your schedule you should see SED 340, 0 credits. Music Education Academy meets on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-7:50 pm in Eggers 010. Don’t forget to attend!
  • Composition majors: on your schedule you should see MTC 051, 0 credit. Composition Seminar meets on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-7:50 pm in Crouse 404. Don’t forget to attend!
  • Music Industry majors (and minors): on your schedule you should see MUI 103, 0 credit. Music Industry Forum meets on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-7:50 pm in Whitman 007. Don’t forget to attend!
  • Sound Recording Technology majors: on your schedule you should see MUI 103, 0 credit. Music Industry Forum meets on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-7:50 pm in Whitman 007. Don’t forget to attend!


  • enter the jury exam, if scheduled, with an instructor’s grade of 75 or lower based on work completed, or
  • withdraw from the course, or
  • receive a grade of “F” in the course, or
  • in cases of extreme medical or personal circumstances, request an incomplete grade for the semester. Missed lessons would be made up during the next semester, and the instructor would decide on how a final grade for the previous semester would be calculated. The Request-for-Incomplete form ( incomplete-grade-request.pdf ) must be filled out first, and signed by the student, instructor, and Director of the School of Music. Incomplete grades are counted as “F” in GPA calculations, and must be completed in no more than one year, at which point they automatically change to permanent “F” grades.

Jury Examinations

All Music Majors enrolled in applied music will be required to perform a formal jury examination at the end of each semester as scheduled on their principal instrument, regardless of the number of credits for which they are enrolled. Jury exams are not required in secondary performance areas, if lessons are taken as an elective, or of students who are not music majors, but may be taken at the discretion of the instructor. The smallest allowable jury consists of the instructor and two other faculty members.


  1. All students perform a work composed within the last 100 years on at least one jury per year. A different contemporary compositional style must be represented on each successive jury.
  2. 2.    All Performance and Performance Honors students must perform one work composed within their lifetime, or a    work by a living composer on one recital, OR
  3. Performance and Performance Honors students may elect, instead of #2, to perform at least one work by a School of Music student composer either as part of a solo recital, or on a school-sponsored concert of student compositions. To substitute #3 for #2, approval must be obtained both from the composition professor and the applied professor involved.


Juniors and seniors majoring in Music Performance, and those students awarded  Performance  awarded Performance Honors will  will perform one recital in the junior year and one in the senior year.  The junior recital will consist of a half recital (35 minutes of actual  actual music). The student performing a half recital will share the time slot with  with another junior giving a half recital.   Seniors         Seniors will perform a recital consisting of 50-60 minutes of actual music, one student to a time slot. Composition students will perform one recital in the senior year.


If an undergraduate student has played a recital in the second half  of  the  semester  (thus  leaving  inadequate  time  to  half of the semester (thus leaving inadequate time to prepare new repertoire) they may  may have the jury  waived  jury waived for that semester.   In  In this case, the  the recital grade  grade will stand  stand as 25% of the final grade, with the instructor’s grade counting for the other 75%. That student may, however, elect to play a jury,      and in that case, either the recital grade or the jury grade can be used  used as 25%,   whichever is higher. A student  who  has  played  student who has played a recital in  in the first half of the semester must play  play a jury, but that student may  also  may also choose either the recital grade    grade or the jury grade, whichever is higher.


Admission to the upper division programs is based on the following criteria (commonly referred to as a Sophomore Evaluation):

  • Composition:

Students present a portfolio of their compositions to the composition faculty at the semester-end jury.

  • Music Education:Students  apply  to  the  music  education 

Students apply to the music education department,


including a personal statement. The lower division transcript is reviewed, and the student is interviewed by the music education faculty.

  • Music Industry:

Students are interviewed by the music industry faculty and the lower division transcript is reviewed.

  • Performance:

Students are evaluated at the second semester sophomore jury.

  • Sound Recording Technology:

Students are interviewed by the sound recording faculty and the lower division transcript is reviewed.

  • B.A. in Music:

Students meet with the advisor to review their academic progress and discuss future plans.

Large Ensemble Participation Requirement

 Students in the B.A. and B.M. degrees in the School of Music are required to participate in a large concert ensemble on their major instrument every semester they are in residence as a full-time student. They must participate  in  the  ensembles  participate in the ensembles to which they are assigned. The large concert ensembles include the following: University Orchestra, Wind Ensemble,   University Singers, Oratorio Society, Crouse Chorale, and Setnor SonorityConcert Choir. Most large ensembles require auditions. Students may elect to participate in other large or small ensembles as their time permits.


Setnor offers two minors in music industry available to music majors and non-music majors who wish to learn     about the creative, business, and legal aspects of the music industry. To enroll in either music industry minor,   students must apply to the chair of the Music and Entertainment Industries  Industries Department.  Auditions for  for private lessons and ensembles may be required for acceptance into Minor Plan II. The minor program is highly competitive, with a limited number of spaces, and application is encouraged before the beginning of the  sophomore  the sophomore year,   and     and is required before the beginning of the junior year. Click here for more information. To enroll in one of the music industry minors, contact Professor Bill DiCosimo (


  • Pass/fail grades only are given for Syracuse University Internship Program experience credit. Other types of experience credit, which involve a VPA sponsor, can be taken either for credit with a grade or pass/fail. Detailed letters outlining your duties and responsibilities during your work experiences are required from job supervisors and are put in your permanent file. A letter evaluating your performance is also required.=

To apply for independent study/experience credit, you need to submit a proposal:


  • The signed form serves as your enrollment form for independent study or experience credit. The VPA Office of Student Success will forward the approved proposal to the Registrar’s Student Records Office, where the course will be added to your schedule.

Collaborative  Collaborative Piano Guidelines


Pianists play an essential role in facilitating performance at music schools. Their skills and services are required  required for playing  playing in orchestra and wind ensemble concerts; chamber music; special events, and approved instrumental  instrumental and vocal  vocal degree recitals.

Given the dual constraints of an expanding non-pianist student population coupled with severely limited resources for maintaining a collaborative keyboard staff, the School has set priorities for facilitating repertoire preparation at the highest level for upper-division and graduate students, in juries and in performance.

All vocal and instrumental students are responsible for procuring capable pianists for their lessons, juries, and any other performance events. It is advised that students be proactive and plan accordingly, in  consultation  with  their  applied  in consultation with their applied teachers. Students are free to choose whomever they  wish  to  engage  and  all  terms  should  be  they wish to engage, and all terms should be established upfront with their pianist. Some collaborations may arise with fellow students who may or may not be piano majors. An updated list of recommended SU and Syracuse area pianists will be maintained with the Office Coordinator in Room 301 and on the Keyboard Department’s bulletin board outside of Room 310.


  • The School of Music will contribute a maximum of $350 for a qualified accompanist. It is the  student’s  the student’s responsibility to engage the pianist him- or herself, negotiating the total fee directly with the contracted pianist, including lessons, rehearsals, pre-recital jury and the performance, with a provision for extra rehearsals.
  • Additional hours required of the accompanist are the financial responsibility of the student and are to be paid at        an at an agreed upon rate with the pianist.


  • The School of Music will contribute a maximum of $250 for a qualified accompanist. It is the  student’s  the student’s responsibility to engage the pianist him- or herself, negotiating the total fee directly with the contracted pianist, including lessons, rehearsals, pre-recital jury and the performance, with a provision for extra rehearsals.


  • Additional hours required of the accompanist are the financial responsibility of the student recitalist and are to be  be paid at a rate agreed upon up front by both parties.


  • Additional hours or services (e.g., convocation, master classes, competitions, travel to off-campus events, etc.) required of the accompanist are the financial responsibility of the voice student based upon  upon mutual agreement  agreement upfront between the voice student and the pianist.


  • Efficient communication is essential. Collaborative partners should: exchange e-mail addresses, phone numbers, and basic schedules so that each collaborative partner can plan ahead and avoid scheduling problems; respond immediately to all messages from one’s partner; be professional, courteous and collegial in every circumstance; welcome constructive suggestions for  the  improvement  of  the  performance  as  for the improvement of the performance as well as the effective management of rehearsals.
  • Collaborative partners should  inform  should inform each other of lessons, rehearsals, and performances well in advance, as well    well as the repertoire for those events. Collaborative partners should enter all appointments agreed upon in a planner immediately, and be punctual for those appointments. If a scheduled appointment must be cancelled, all personnel should be contacted, preferably at least a day in advance.


  • Copies given to a pianist should  be  copied  or  taped  should be copied or taped back-to-back  with  back with holes punched.   Two-page  page pieces should be punched on the inside edge in such a way as to eliminate any need for a  page  a page turn.   It may  may be necessary to provide a ring binder for the pianist as well. All copies should be prepared this way; no pianist should be given unprepared loose copies.


Music Majors pay a fee for the use of practice rooms which is used for instrument purchase, tuning, and maintenance. Practice rooms are for the exclusive use of music majors, students taking  private  taking private lessonsand students  students participating in ensembles or classes within the School of Music. A list of students participating in each major ensemble or class will be provided by the conductor/professor of that ensemble/class to the Assistant Director of Operations by the end of the second week of the semester.


  • The school provides equipment and instruments that are necessary for classes, rehearsals, events, and recording that require care, training, and maintenance. In some cases, this equipment is available only to those students in a specific program or class , and requires training prior to usage. If you feel you need additional training, please contact your faculty member for that class.


  • Current faculty, staff, or students (Party) using campus spaces for programs that are not part of the academic program need to register the program and enter into a short-term license for use of the facilities.
  • If the use involves minors, you may be required to have a background check and to take training and will need to complete the Minors on Campus Program Registration.
  • If faculty, staff or students are earning money outside of campus earnings while on University university owned, operated or controlled property, there may also be tax implications. It is the Party’s responsibility to comply with all campus policies. Due to limited space and availability, the School of Music is generally able to permit use of facilities only by current faculty, staff, and students.
  • For more information or an agreement for usage, please contact Michelle Taylor (
