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iv) To coordinate staff activities.

b) Purview

All actions of the MSC shall be reported to the Staff and may be reviewed by the Staff at its next All-Staff meeting. At the All-Staff meeting, a majority vote, a quorum being present, can rescind any action, in whole or in part, of the MSC. The MSC may, at its own initiative and discretion, convene a meeting of the entire Staff for issues it deems important; the Chair of the MSC will preside. The MSC will not act in any specific employee/employer matter, nor will it assume the role of arbitrator in such matters.

c) Initial Membership

The MSC shall be made up of five or seven members. After adoption of the bylaws, a solicitation will go out to all eligible staff asking for nominations or self-nominations. The Dean shall distribute an electronic ballot listing all nominees to all members of the Staff, who will be asked to vote for up to seven members from the list. The results will be reviewed by the MSC workgroup. The nominees receiving the most votes shall be elected to the Council. The terms of office for the Council’s initial members shall commence immediately following their election. At its first meeting, the Council shall designate its members to one and two-year terms so that not all of its members are replaced within the same year. [If five are elected, three serve two-year terms and two serve one-year terms; or if seven are elected, four serve two-years and three serve one-year].

d) Subsequent Membership

In all subsequent years, the Secretary of the MSC shall ask for nominations. The Secretary shall distribute a ballot listing all nominees to all members of the Staff, who will be asked to vote for up to three members from the list. The nominees receiving the most votes shall be elected to the Council.

e) Term of Office

Each member, with the exception of the first year, shall serve a two-year term. Members of Staff Council are eligible to serve two full terms consecutively, after which they may not be re-elected for two years.

Upon three absences within one academic year (of the monthly MSC meetings), the member shall be removed from office.

f) Officers

Following each election, the Council shall designate a Chair and a Secretary from among the Council’s members.

i) Chair responsibilities


(6) Stand in as chair, should the chair be unable to fulfill duties at meetings or events.

g) Vacancies

Vacancies will be created by termination of service to the University, resignation, removal, or retirement. University-approved leave will not be counted as an absence. Regardless of the reason for vacancy, when a MSC seat becomes empty, the MSC will appoint a new member for the remainder of the term. Any staff member who fills a vacant seat midterm will not be considered to have served a full term as it applies to re-election eligibility.

5) Meeting Frequency and scheduling
