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This document will help project Agents and Administrators understand the Automation feature within Orange Tracker (OT) and the current Automation rules set for the system.

There are two types three scopes of Automation. The first one is at the project level and only fires for the certain project. The second is Global Automation, which fires for all projects within the system:

  • Single Project runs for one specific project
  • Multi-Project runs for several projects (limit 50)
  • Global will runs for all projects

While Global Automation is a great option, the process of how each project operates is slightly different. That impacts the use of Global Automation and the better option is to allow projects to 'Opt-In' certain Multi-Project rules or create and maintain their own rules. This gives the greatest flexibility for all projects.

Atlassian has a great page to start learning about Automation:

Project Automation

Project Administrators can add, edit, and remove project automation rules.

To review automation, select the Project Settings → Automation

This screen will show you all the rules, including the global rules.

You can use the filters to show certain rules.


Multi-Project Automation

OT Administrators can add, edit, and remove Global Automation rules. The team has only created rules that should be set for all projects.Based on our will focus on creating a few multi-project rules that will allow certain projects to use a standard rule. These rules can only be adjusted by the OT Administrators. With the use of multiple-project rules, this allows projects to "Opt-Out" of the rule if that rule does not meet their needs.

If a

Multi-project and Global rules we execution limits. Based on our current license, we have a limit of 1.2M executions per month for Global Automation. OT Administrators will monitor this usage and plan accordingly. They may seem like a large number, but the global rules fire often.



Multi-Project Automation Rules

This is a list of current Global Multi-Project Automation Rules set by the OT Administrators

Rule NameDescription
Customer Comments -> Transition to OpenWhen a customer responds to a ticket in "Waiting for Feedback" status, transition to "Open"
Reporter Reopens Closed TicketsWhen the Reporter comments on a Resolved/Closed request, set the Status to "Reopened"

Global Automation

OT Administrators can add, edit, and remove Global Automation rules. With the number of projects in OT and the way projects operate, global automation rules are not the ideal process for automating tasks.

Multi-project and Global rules we execution limits. Based on our current license, we have a limit of 1.2M executions per month. OT Administrators will monitor this usage and plan accordingly. They may seem like a large number, but the global rules fire often.

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