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  • Computers should be carried in a bag with lots of padding and protection.
  • Alternatively, you can purchase a "laptop sleeve" to protect your computer. Models with padding inside and a hard shell are preferred.
  • Don't place food, drink, or other potentially harmful substances nearby or in a bag with your computer, as liquid spills on laptops are all too common and often come with a heavy price tag.
  • Be sure to include accident protection in your warranty, if you are concerned about accidental damage or spills.
  • Try not to place anything on the top-side of your laptop (the part that has your monitor/screen attached to it), it is not uncommon to have too much pressure from the top side that can cause the screen to crack. If possible have your laptop on top of anything in your bag, or nothing else in the bag with the laptop.

Step Two: Power Off Your Computer


title"Lap"top is a Misnomer

Professionally known as portable computers, the term "laptop" can be deceiving. Most of the circulation for the computer to cool itself is located to the back, sides, and bottoms of the machine. When you use your computer on your lap or on a soft surface like a bed or pillow, you can obstruct the ventilation causing the computer to overheat. This can easily be resolved by using the computer on a flat surface like a table or desk, or even on a specially made lap desk that is designed to support airflow to the computer.  

Step Five: Backup Data Regularly

Backup your data regularly and backup important files to multiple locations.
