If your SUMail Account was locked for security purposes, please call us at 315.443.2677 in order to unlock your account and change your password. Once you have access to your account, follow the steps below to make sure that it is secure.
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Troubleshooting steps and documentation for other issues related to SUMail can be found on the Email homepage.
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When sending this document link to someone whose account has been locked by Security, do so by either sending the link in a text message or to a third party email address. |
- Log on to SUMail by visiting http://sumail.syr.edu and entering in your email address and new password
- Please note: After changing your password it can take up to one hour for our email system to recognize that new password. If you are unable to log in right away please check back in one hour.
- Please note: If you have not yet set up Microsoft Two-Factor Authentication (more information here: https://answers.syr.edu/x/2AAeAw), you will be prompted to do so before being able to login.
Info title Exchange Users Faculty and staff who are using the Exchange email system should still secure their account using instructions below.
Expand title Exchange User Instructions To proceed, instead visit exchange.syr.edu from a web browser and log in with your NetID credentials.
Next, click the cog/gear symbol (
) in the upper right hand corner. In the drop down, select Options.From here you will see the options listed below note that 'sweep' options are combined with 'inbox rules' options in Exchange (image below). This combines steps 43-6 5 on this page.
Exchange users can skip step 3 2 and proceed to step 43 below. Exchange users who run into any issues with security their account should contact their academic or administrative support personnel.
- Select the gear icon in the upper right corner and choose "Mail" from the menu.
- Select "Rules" and ensure that unless you created a specific rule, "You haven't created any rules yet" is listed.
- If you see a rule that you did not create, such as the rule shown below, click the "trash" icon to delete it.
- Select "Sweep" and ensure that you delete any Sweep rules that you have not personally set up. To delete a rule, select it and click on the "trash" icon.
- Select "Junk email" and ensure that there are no blocked senders that you have not personally set up, especially syr.edu addresses. To delete a blocked sender, select it and click on the "trash" icon. Then click "Save" above.
- Select "Message handling" and verify that under Message Options, when signing out the "Empty my deleted items folder" does NOT have a checkmark next to it. If it does, remove the checkmark and click "Save" above.
- Go back to your inbox and make sure that you delete any emails in "Sent" and "Draft" folders that you did not create.
- Make sure to check your "Deleted Items" folder and verify that no emails were put there maliciously.