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What is Answers?
Answers is, primarily, a knowledge base of technical self-help information. Content focuses on SU systems and technical services and includes solutions to common problems, how-to’s, FAQs, tips, and configuration advice.
In the search box you may enter any combination of words to receive a list of hits. Every page in Answers contains a search box in the upper right-hand corner to search pages and attachments.
For more searching tips: Searching Answers
To view the Breadcrumbs, click on the "..." above the page title.
After clicking the "...," the Breadcrumbs will expand showing exactly where you are within a Space.
Each item in the Breadcrumbs represents a Page in the hierarchy above the current Page within the Space. Click on any of the links in the list to move to that location.
The Child Pages presents you with a list of the Child Pages of the current Page, as well as the Parent Page. This option will be available only when the sidebar is collapsed, and can be accessed by clicking on the Child Pages icon denoted below in the image. This will only display the Child Pages of the current page, and you cannot navigate all of the Pages within the Space through here!
Page Tree
The Page Tree gives you access to the entire structure of the Pages within the Space. It can be used for quick navigation by expanding through all of a Page's Child Pages, thus eliminating the need to click Page by Page to navigate to where you need to go. To access the Page Tree, expand the sidebar by clicking the ">>" icon on the bottom left, and it will be displayed within.
Spaces Versus Pages
Spaces can be navigated through the categories on the top navigation bar, or through the Space directory. Each item in each of the dropdowns from the categories in the top navigation bar is a different Space. Depending on if you are logged in or not, you may be presented with different sets of Spaces.
To access the Space directory, select the Spaces dropdown from the top navigation bar, then select Space directory.
A Page is what contains the content within a Space. A Page can include text, images, attached files, tables, and much more to represent the information that it is trying to convey. A Page can also have sub-Pages to the n-th degree, thus allowing for a high level of organization and separation so that information is easier to locate.