In the search box you may enter any combination of words to receive a list of hits. Every page in Answers contains a search box in the upper right-hand corner to search pages and attachments.
For more searching tips: Searching Answers
As you navigate deeper into Answers, you may find yourself wondering where you are. One of the easiest ways to find out is to look at the "breadcrumbs." . Breadcrumbs let you go up levels in the page hierarchy to move around Answers. To see the "breadcrumbs," click on the dotted arrow above the page title.
A list containing the pages above the current page in the page hierarchy will be displayed. Click on any of the links in the list to move to that location.
You can also browse related pages by expanding out levels in the grey sidebar on the left.
Spaces hold related information. To view a list of all spaces available on Answers, click on the "bars" icon to the left of the search box in the upper right hand corner of the screen and then select "spaces." You may see a different list of spaces depending on whether you are logged into Answers or not.
You will get a list of spaces organized by category ( ITS, General Computing, Colleges, Other SU). Expand out the categories to see a list of spaces within that category and then select a space.