Versions Compared


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9. Oversize differs between gen collection, N and M call numbers, limited access, and atlases. Ref collections have no oversize.

9A. Subfield      Subfield k is needed for oversize items except for locations of Atlas oversize and Atlas oversize flat.9B.  TR in Carnegie  

Oversize:               31cm  height ; over 21cm width 

Oversize flat:       39cm  height ;  over   40cm width 

10. When giving a permanent location it is bird followed by the first letter of the class number with these exceptions .


         h    which is divided between h-hd (H-HD2200) and  hd- (HD2321 and over) ;  

          n   n   which is divided between n (N and NA mono) and nb (NB and over

         tr  moved to Bird (Sept. 2022-

11. DVDs, CD-ROMs, CDs, etc. are identified in an 866 by the term used in the 300 +e. If there are multiple items (2 CD-ROMS, 2 CDs, etc.) they become discs in the 866 i.e. disc 1-disc 2.
