Powerful, easy-to-use database software for yourself or a team. Create forms, reports and labels. Share on a network or over the web.
Category: Datebase Database
Notes: None
Vendor Information
Software website: http://www.filemaker.com
License Information
Current version: 16
License effective dates: July 19th through July 18th
Product Use Rights
Terms of Use: FMI grants to Licensee a non-exclusive, perpetual, non-transferable license to make exact object code copies of the Software in the quantity indicated, and use and install each such copy of the Software on a single computer owned or leased by Licensee. If the Software is licensed at an education discount, then the Software may only be used by enrolled students, faculty, teachers and administrators at an accredited higher education institution organized and operated exclusively for the purpose of teaching its students for administrative, educational instruction or Non-Profit organization purposes. Non-Profit/Education versions of FileMaker products cannot be used for any commercial purpose. A commercial purpose is any revenue-generating activity beyond the usual and customary activities educational institutions or Non-Profit organizations engage in.
Faculty/Staff Home Use: The primary user of the computer at work, may make a second copy of FileMaker software for thier exclusive use on either a home or portable computer. Note that only one such additional copy for either a home or portable computer may be made, not both. Only the primary user, and no one else, may use the copy of the FileMaker software installed on such second computer. Please note that these rights do not apply to students if the software is part of a volume license program ordered at an education discount. Further, these rights do not apply to FileMaker Server software.
Institutional Licenses For Faculty/Staff: ITS's volume license agreement provides discounted licenses to SU faculty and staff. Licenses are limited to faculty and staff who purchase through the volume license program. Please contact your Distributed Staff Personnel if you are interested in participating in this discount program.
Student Licenses: Students can purchase educationally priced Filemaker products at https://store.filemaker.com/individuals.
Trials: http://info2.filemaker.com/GL-Trial-Program_GL-Trial-Request-with-Cloud-Organic-Control-EN.html
Students: Contact Filemaker directly at http://www.filemaker.com/company/contact/.
DSP's: Contact the ITS Business Office at ITSOffice@syr.edu.