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For the first year and a half of my career, I consistently rely on my background knowledge of public health frameworks, regulatory pathways, health care systems and cultural competence to guide my work. I continue to be amazed at how applicable my major is to my career, and I would recommend a public health degree to anyone interested.
If you’d like to talk more about public health careers, please contact me on LinkedIn or at

One Celsius Is Equal To How Many Cups Of Coffee? The Pros and Cons of Celsius

By Hannah Cohen-De La Rosa
First-year student, Public Health
David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics

Celsius, the enticing energy drink, has become increasingly present on college campuses. Whether found in the vending machines around campus or stashed away in dorm room refrigerators, this beverage has quickly become a go-to source of energy for college students. But what exactly are the benefits and drawbacks of consuming Celsius?

Celsius drinks have infiltrated college life, offering students a caffeinated alternative to coffee. With the promise of “boosting metabolism and energy,” Celsius drinks have gained popularity over the past few years. The primary attraction to Celsius is the caffeine content, typically 200 mg of caffeine per can, equivalent to over two 8-ounce cups of coffee.
The caffeine content can be beneficial in providing energy boosts for students pulling all-nighters or attending early-morning lectures. However, while caffeine can give individuals a much-needed boost, excessive consumption can lead to jitteriness, anxiety, insomnia and dependence.

For college students already prone to irregular sleep patterns, relying on Celsius should be taken as a precaution. Studies from the University of Oklahoma show that the metabolism enhancement that Celsius claims to have with its natural ingredients, such as green tea extract, guarana and ginger extract, did help individuals lose weight. One study from the University of Oklahoma suggested that “overweight and obese women drinking Celsius before moderate exercise resulted in increased fat loss, increased muscle mass, increased endurance performance with significant improvements to blood lipid profiles when compared to exercise alone” and “sedentary men drinking Celsius before moderate exercise yielded significant improvements in body composition. Participants’ results included decreased body fat, increased lean muscle and cardiorespiratory improvements compared to exercise alone.”

For individuals consuming Celsius without engaging in physical activity, no studies say Celsius help you lose weight. The convenience of Celsius may encourage unhealthy habits, such as relying on caffeine to stay awake and alert instead of prioritizing a balanced sleep schedule. 

For college students, moderation is key. Understanding the ingredients and their effects can help students decide when and how much Celsius to consume. The Celsius website recommends no more than two 12-ounce servings per day and notes that the Food and Drug Administration advises drinking up to 400 mg of caffeine, the equivalent of two 12-ounce cans of Celsius is “safe for most individuals.” In addition, this is for all individuals over the age of 18. Joe Whittington, a board-certified emergency medicine doctor, says on a blog post about Celsius drinks: “Those who want to enjoy the drink should stay aware of the potential risks and make informed decisions about their beverage choices to safeguard their health and well-being.”

The drink will likely not have favorable side effects for individuals with underlying heart conditions, anxiety or panic disorders, or sleep disorders, he says. In general, the key is to be aware of your health factors and individual tolerance, Whittington says. While Celsius drinks offer an appealing solution for college students seeking an energy boost, it’s essential to approach consumption with caution and moderation.

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