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Seven Healthiest Milk Options
16 of the best dairy-free milk brands for your tea, coffee and cereal
Oat Milk vs. Almond Milk vs. Coconut Milk: What Is the Best Plant-Based Milk?

Nut MilkOther Plant Milk
Almond Milk:Oat Milk:
  • Most popular plant-based milk alternative
  • Considered the hearth-healthiest plant milk, because of the benefits of oats
  • Has little protein
  • Oats lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of hearth disease
  • Also low in calories and fat
  • According to Stacey Smith, senior food and drink editor of Good Housekeeping, a glass of oat milk provides 10% of daily recommended iron levels
  • High in minerals like magnesium and calcium

  • Contains rich amounts of vitamin E (an important antioxidant)

Cashew Milk:Soy Milk:
  • Higher calorie and protein alternative
  • Proclaimed to be the most like dairy, nutritionally
  • Loads of vitamins and minerals (magnesium, iron, vitamin D, etc.)
  • Has the most protein of all plant-based options
  • Heart healthy unsaturated fats
  • High in vitamin A, B12 and D as well as minerals
  • Healthline states, Drinking this type of milk may boost heart health, improve blood sugar control, promote eye health and more
  • FDA and other studies suggest that soy resembles cow's milk the most, in nutritional value, if it is fortified with calcium and vitamin D

Sugar-Free Sweeteners: Zero Calories, But What's The Toll On Your Body?

By Hannah Cohen-De La Rosa
First-year student, Public Health
David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics

First-year college students constantly seek healthier alternatives to beat the “freshman 15” weight gain. It has become the new norm to read the back of labels and look at the calorie amount, hoping it is as close to zero as possible.

Sugar-free sweeteners have been popular alternatives within the student population, due to their availability in the dining halls. Brands like Splenda, Equal and Sweet’N Low dominate the market, offering an enticing way to satisfy your sweet tooth while cutting calories. But are these sugar-free sweeteners as harmless as they seem?

Sugar-free sweeteners, also known as artificial sweeteners or sugar substitutes, are synthetic compounds designed to mimic the taste of sugar without the added calories. Students see them often used in various products, from diet sodas to sugar-free candy and gum. Splenda, Equal and Sweet’N Low all have different chemical compounds, such as sucralose, aspartame and saccharin, that determine the degree of sweetness in each brand.

While the number zero is enticing and seems the perfect solution for individuals looking to reduce their sugar intake, these sweeteners come with hidden health risks, primarily adverse effects on our metabolism. Research has shown that sugar-free sweeteners disrupt our metabolism. Studies from the Cleveland Clinic and Johns Hopkins Medicine show that the sugar substitutes individuals take may trick the brain into craving more sweet foods, leading to the opposite effect that an individual hopes for when cutting down on calories.

Furthermore, there is an adverse impact on gut health. A journal from the National Library of Medicine stated that the gut microbiome plays a crucial role in overall health. Artificial sweeteners have been shown to alter the composition of gut bacteria, potentially leading to imbalances associated with various health issues, including obesity and metabolic syndrome.

So, how can students satisfy their sweet tooth and maintain a balanced diet without consuming sugar-free sweeteners? Use natural sweeteners like honey, maple syrup or agave nectar in moderation.

While they contain calories, they provide a more wholesome sweetness and can be used sparingly. Whole fruits like berries, apples and oranges offer natural sweetness, essential nutrients, fiber and antioxidants. They are an excellent choice for a satisfying sweet treat. When indulging in desserts, choosing those made with natural sugar in smaller portions allows individuals to enjoy the occasional sweet without relying on sugar substitutes. Gradually reduce the overall sugar intake to allow taste buds to adjust to less sweetness. Over time, it becomes apparent that the human body requires less sugar to satisfy cravings.

Here Are A Few Tips On How To Avoid Sugar-Free Sweeteners In The Dining Hall

  • Read the labels carefully. 
  • Check the ingredient list of all food and drinks before you eat or drink them. If you see any of the following ingredients, the product contains sugar-free sweeteners: sucralose, aspartame, acesulfame K, neotame, saccharin and stevia. 
  • Whole foods are less likely to contain sugar-free sweeteners than processed foods. For example, drink water or unsweetened tea instead of diet soda. Instead of eating sugar-free candy, eat fresh fruit or nuts. 
  • If you have the time, making your meals is a great way to avoid sugar-free sweeteners. You can cook meals and snacks at home using fresh, whole ingredients. By following these tips, students can satisfy their sweet tooth and maintain a balanced diet without consuming sugar-free sweeteners.

For More Information:

Effects of Sweeteners on the Gut Microbiota: A Review of Experimental Studies and Clinical Trials

Artificial sweeteners and other sugar substitutes