News about the nutrition science and dietetics programs at Syracuse University.
Contributors: Michele Barrett, BreeAnna Beach, Nicole Beckwith, Lynn Brann, Kay Stearns Bruening, Valerie Cramer, Kim Desmond, Jessica Garay Cassie Graves, Tanya Horacek, Hannah Juliano, Louis Platt, Sudha Raj, Nancy Rindfuss, Donna Sparkes, Margaret Voss.
In This Edition:
Resilience and resolve: A year we will never forget.
Rob Skinner featured at 2020 Ann Litt Distinguished Lecture.
By Jessica Garay.
In February 2020, our department was honored to host legendary sports dietitian Rob Skinner for the Fifth Annual Ann Litt Distinguished Lecture. Rob has a unique connection to Ann Litt, having also worked for the Washington Redskins as their sports dietitian for two years. Rob’s career has spanned collegiate athletics, professional football, the military, and his current position as Senior Sports Dietitian for Acrobat & Combat Sports at the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs. He is also one of the founding members of the Collegiate and Professional Sports Dietitians Association (C.P.S.D.A.). Rob is one of the most accomplished sports dietitians in our field. It was truly an honor to host him at Syracuse University and hear first-hand about his various experiences. I am thrilled that so many of our students were able to interact with Rob and gain a better appreciation for the amazing work done by the team of dietitians at the U.S. Olympic Training Center.
In addition to his lecture, Rob also presented to students in N.S.D. 425/625: Nutrition for Fitness and Sports and PPE P.P.E. 483: Scientific Principles of Strength and Conditioning. His guest lecture focused on strategies for weight control sports. Given his work with members of the U.S. Olympic wrestling, boxing, judo, and Taekwondo teams, Rob shared a unique perspective on how to approach safe weight loss while maintaining a high level of sport performance.
South Asia – Family, Food and Healthcare Systems cultural immersion in India.
By Sudha Raj.
The South Asia course is a fall semester course with travel in January. Objectives for the course are to stimulate learners’ interest in the Indian culture that is distinctly different from what the students are familiar with, build cultural competence, and expand critical and comparative thinking skills.
Syracuse University in India 2020 on Vimeo.
Syracuse University in India 2020 on YouTube.
Two faculty members collaborate with alumna on nutrition elective for medical students.
By Kay Stearns Bruening.
In spring 2019, third-year medical student Natalie Antosh realized that as a future physician, she would need to understand nutrition, and she felt that she was not getting much of it, beyond biochemistry, in the medical curriculum. She surveyed 103 medical students at Upstate Medical University (U.M.U.) and learned that 95 percent of her classmates agreed. She approached the academic administrator for the medical school, who asked her to partner with Syracuse University nutrition alumna, Elizabeth (Queen) Nelsen, M.D. (M.A. 2001) to develop a Food as Medicine elective course for the medical school. Dr. Nelsen, who is Associate Professor and Director of the Pediatric Residency Program at Upstate University Hospital, referred Natalie to N.S.D. professors Sudha Raj and Kay Stearns Bruening.
Assistant Professor of Family Medicine and medical director of Integrative Therapy at UMUU.M.U., Kaushal Nanavati, M.D., provided grant funding to support the Culinary Medicine experience in the Falk College food labs. Dr. Nanavati has been a guest lecturer for the our nutrition programs in the past. Chef instructor Bill Collins led the 20 medical students in the preparation of ten healthy recipes with the support of then-senior and Klenk Scholar, Kelsie Wilson (B.S. 2020).
This year’s program focused on COVID-19 and the pandemic’s healthcare challenges. Students explored the spectrum of healthcare occupations with faculty and staff from four of Syracuse University’s schools and colleges, as well as professionals outside the University. This program was designed to help students consider what their journey will look like as they work towards becoming a healthcare professional. Dr. Bruening and Dr. Voss offered online discussion sessions to help students understand the path toward becoming a registered dietitian and how nutrition and nutrition science degrees can be used in preparation for post-graduate training for other allied health careers. Students also participated in several asynchronous activities, including simulated patient counseling sessions, a food demo session in which they were asked to prepare a recipe for their family, and a virtual tour of the ACE Center demonstration kitchen and physical assessment facilities. The tour specifically highlighted the ACE Center’s patient simulation manikin, as well as body composition, metabolic rate, and point of care blood analysis equipment. To make these recipes and see more reaction from the students who cooked them, please see this story.
Emilie Sawicki:
“I chose to make the overnight oats recipe because I wanted to change up my breakfast a little bit and it was such a quick and easy recipe! After making it last night, I tried it this morning and it definitely lived up to my expectations. It was delicious, and I made enough to eat tomorrow as well.”
Avery Hawthorne:
“I decided to make the Black Bean-Sweet Potato Chili Recipe. I wanted to make something healthy that my entire family could eat together at dinnertime. I added some avocados on the side and some shredded cheese on the top for a little extra favor. My family really enjoyed this meal as it was flavorful, filling, and healthier than our traditional chili recipe. T his meal provides a good balance of protein, carbohydrates, and calories that a recovering patient would need.”
Jared Alexander:
“I love eating oatmeal and usually I eat the one that takes five minutes and has so much sugar and many calories. I loved this recipe because it was not only easy to make, it tasted really good too. Now I have a new, healthier, recipe for oatmeal.”
Nutrition Honor Roll.
Students maintaining > greater than 3.4 G.P.A. at the end of June 2018. Bold indicates students maintaining > greater than 3.8 G.P.A.
Nutrition B.S.:
Jessica Neidel (Class of 2021) worked at Newton Wellesley Hospital in Massachusetts as a patient care associate on the telemetry floor (inpatient cardiac floor). They have recently converted this floor into a step-down ICU I.C.U. due to the number of critical patients with COVID -19 in the Boston area. Her job included monitoring vitals and assisting with the routine care of these patients. Emily Gibbs (B.S. 2020) sewed masks for others.
Findings from the ACE Study concluded that individuals exposed to adverse childhood experiences are substantially more likely to engage in health-risk behaviors, develop chronic conditions and face premature death. On average, individuals with six or more ACE s ACEs died nearly 20 years earlier than individuals without exposure to childhood adversity. The study also concluded that an individual is more likely than not to have a history of trauma. Two thirds of study participants had experienced at least one ACE . Almost 60 percent of individuals with at least one ACE reported exposure to two or more.
Transition to kindergarten: A program for Head Start.
By Cassie Graves, CAS C.A.S. 2021.
The Transition to Kindergarten Cafeteria Day idea began over 30 years ago for Janet Connors, the Transition Coordinator at P.E.A.C.E. Inc. Head Start, when she noticed her son was not eating his lunch. When he got off the bus, he was exhausted and more mischievous, getting into trouble during lunchtime in the school cafeteria. Looking back now and connecting the dots, many of the Head Start staff recalled their own bus story with their children. Discussions began on why the lunchroom is the most disruptive in school. The collaboration between the Head Start staff propelled the program from an idea to an event with three separate mock lunches set to begin March 25, 2020.
Katie Cosco: (2018) Virginia WIC Dietetic Internship, Virginia.
Olivia Dubois: (2019) University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut.
Alexis Maier: (2019) Syracuse University.
Nicholas Marino defended his master’s thesis this summer. It is entitled “The Role of Diet Quality and Micronutrient Content on Sleep Parameters in Children Aged 9 -through 11.” Nick plans to pursue his Ph.D. in the near future.
N.F.P.E. can lead to the identification, diagnosis, and documentation of malnutrition in clinical settings, when the doctor verifies the evidence provided by the R.D.N.. Malnutrition is associated with higher mortality rates, increased hospital length of stay and readmission, and impaired physical function. In addition, the diagnosis of malnutrition can increase reimbursement by more than $10,000 for each patient in some cases.
Over the past year, 34 internship preceptors have participated in N.F.P.E. training at Syracuse University. Associate Professor of Nutrition Dr. Kay Stearns Bruening and Dietetic Internship Director Nikki Beckwith offered the training in the Falk ACE Center in summer 2019 as a three-part workshop concluding with a validation of skills. The program was approved by the Commission on Dietetic Registration for four continuing education units (C.E.U.s). The program will be offered again when social distancing allows the opportunity to welcome these visitors back to campus.
Greg Belzak (B.S. 2019, C.A.S. 2020) will serve as President-Elect of the Central New York Dietetic Association for 2020-2021. Elizabeth Gardner (B.S. 2020) accepted a position as a Health and Benefits Analyst withWillis with Willis Towers Watson in Washington, D.C., where she consults with employers to provide benefits coverage for employees.
Mackenzie Swanson (2021) was awarded a Fall 2019 SOURCE Grant for “’Corrination’ of a G.L.P.-1 Receptor Agonist for Glycemic Control Without Emesis,” supervised by Professor Robert Doyle, Meredith Professor of Chemistry at S.U. and adjunct associate professor of medicine at SUNY-Upstate Medical University.
The interns formed a collaboration with the S.H.A. to access/interact with the residents and implement the transportation booklet, and with Falk College for incentives/ingredient costs. The participants were actively engaged and attentive during the two education sessions. All three interventions were successfully implemented, and we anticipate an increase in consumption and knowledge of high nutrient-dense foods in low-income seniors living in S.H.A..
Group three: Julianna Blake, Valerie Brugmann, Kristen Jevis, Sophia Sepulveda designed and completed the Process and Outcomes Evaluation of Low-Income Seniors Living in Syracuse Housing Authority Residences. The group used the Cornell P.S.E. model to evaluate the outcome of nutrition education interventions implemented to target behavior change by increasing knowledge and intake of nutrient dense foods among low-income seniors. The evaluation of P.S.E. efforts allows researchers to analyze the impact of the objectives and how the process aligned with the intended plan. A process evaluation tool was created to track the intervention. It examined level of audience engagement/satisfaction and resource utilization for Nutrition Bingo and Food Demonstrations (as reported in the intervention poster). Outcome effectiveness was evaluated with a pre-/post survey created for this study. The survey assessed fruit and vegetable (F/V) purchases, intake, and attitudes. Participants completed pre- (n=23) and post- (n=26) assessments.
Brann L S. The Relationship between Emotional Regulation and Diet Quality in Children. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 2019;119:A78. Selected Poster Presentation at the Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania October October 2019.
Brown K, Clark B, Brubaker H, Brown L, Carroll B, Gardner E, Hill A, Mihalko S, Obojkovits K, Peck M, Horacek T. Process , Process Evaluation of the Healthy Campus Environmental Audits. Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo October 2019 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Volume 119, Issue 9, A45.
Cullen O, Peck M, Horacek T., Assessing Food Insecurity Rates and Effects on a Sample of Students at Syracuse University. Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo October 2019 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Volume 119, Issue 9, A76.
Beach B, Belzak G, Shamlian, C, Wilson J, Horacek T., Needs Assessment of Low-Income Seniors Living in Syracuse Housing Authority Residences. Accepted to present at the N.Y.S.A.N.D. A.M.E in Saratoga Springs, New York.
Blake J, Brugmann V, Jevis K, Sepulveda S, Horacek T., Outcomes Evaluation of Low-Income Seniors Living in Syracuse Housing Authority Residences. Accepted to present at the NYSA ND AME N.Y.S.A.N.D. A.M.E. in Saratoga Springs, New York.
Li E, Bryja D, Noble N, Xie J, J. Increasing the consumption and knowledge of high nutrient density foods among low-income seniors living in Syracuse Housing Authority Residences. Accepted to present at the N.Y.S.A.N.D. A.M.E. in Saratoga Springs, New York.
Wilson K, K & Horacek T, T. Relation Between Study Abroad and Students Dietary Habits while Abroad. Accepted to present at the N.Y.S.A.N.D. A.M.E. in Saratoga Springs, New York.
Gump B B, Hruska B, Parsons PJ, Palmer C D, MacKenzie J A, Bendinskas K, Brann L. Dietary , Dietary Contributions to High Normal Lead, Mercury, and Cadmium in 9 -through 11-Year-Old Children: Accounting for Racial Differences. Environ ResEnvironmental Research. 2020.185:109308.
Olfert M D, Barr M L, Mathews A E, Horacek T M, Riggsbee K, Zhou W, Colby S E. , Life of a vegetarian college student: Health, lifestyle, and environmental perceptions, Journal of American College Health, 2020 DOID.O.I.: 10.1080/07448481.2020.1740231.
Olfert M D, Barr M L, Hagedorn R L, Wattick R A , Zhou W, Horacek T, Mathews A E, Kattelmann K K, Kidd T, White A A, Brown O, Morrell J, Franzen-Castle L, Shelnutt K, Byrd-Bredbenner C, Mosby T, Greene G W , Colby S. eB4CAST, infographics improve science communication with stakeholders in college-based health program Front. Public Health 2020;8:158. d.o.i. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2020.00158.
Santella M E, Hagedorn R L, Wattick R A , Barr M L, Horacek T M, Olfert M D. , Learn first, practice second approach to increase health professionals’ nutrition-related knowledge, attitudes and self-efficacy, International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2019; 71(3) DOID.O.I.: 10.1080/09637486.2019.1661977.
McNamara J, Olfert M D, Faulk M, Colby S, White A, Byrd-Bredbenner C, Kattelmann K, Franzen-Castle L, Brown O, Kidd T, Shelnutt K, Horacek T M, Greene G. , Development of an Instrument Measuring Perceived Environmental Healthfulness: Behavior Environment Perception Survey (B.E.P.S.). Journal of Nutrition Education Behavior 2020;52(2): 152 – 161.
Staub D, Colby S E, Olfert M D, Kattelmann K K, Zhou W, Horacek T M, Greene G W, Radosavljevic I, Franzen-Castle L, Mathews A E. , A Multi-Year Examination of Gardening Experience and Fruit and Vegetable Intake During College. Nutrients 2019, 11(9), 2088.
Hanson A J, Kattelmann K K, McCormack L A, Zhou W, Brown O N, Horacek T M, Shelnutt K P, Kidd T, Opoku-Acheampong A, Franzen- Castle L D, Olfert M D, ColbyS Colby S E. , Cooking and Meal Planning as Predictors of Fruit and Vegetable Intake and BMI B.M.I. in First-Year College Students. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019, 16(14), 2462.
Horacek T M, Dede Yildirim E, Seidman D, Byrd-Bredbenner C, Colby S, White A, Shelnutt K, Olfert M D, Mathews A E, Riggsbee K, Franzen-Castle, Morrell J S. , Redesign and Validation of the Physical Activity for Campuses Environmental Supports (P.A.C.E.S.) Audit. Journal of Environmental and Public Health Health, 2019, Article ID 5819752, 13 pages, 2019.
Horacek T M, Simon M, Dede Yildirim E, Byrd-Bredbenner C, Colby S, White A, Shelnutt K, Olfert M D, Mathews A E, Riggsbee K, Franzen-Castle, Morrell J S. , College Campuses lack Policy Support for Health Promotion. Design and Validation of Policies Opportunities, Interventions and Notable Topics (POI NTS POINTS ) Audit. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2019, 16(5),778.
As an educator, mentor, scholar, and friend, Professor Weissman was committed to the human condition, always problem-solving to build better communities. He inspired those around him to advocate for equity in the food system and beyond. Along with his family, the Falk College community, including current students and countless alumni working for food justice and social justice, will continue the work he believed in so deeply.
We welcome your support!
We continually strive to offer a variety of opportunities to support students in our Nutrition programs in Falk College. From scholarships and financial assistance to immersion programs and experiential field trips, along with inviting distinguished guest lectures to campus and hosting relevant symposiums, Falk College’s nutrition education goes beyond the textbooks and the walls of our classrooms. We would welcome the opportunity to talk and/or meet with you to discuss program support and student learning opportunities.
Please contact Assistant Dean for Advancement, David Salanger, at 315.443.4588, or Assistant Director of Development, Megan Myers, at 315.443.1817,
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The nutrition part of the pre-health summer camp this year addressed the nutrition concerns around COVID , and how to help patients meet their nutritional needs for recovery with nutrient-dense foods. Campers watched recorded food demonstrations of these recipes, then made one of them and submitted a photo or video and commentary (see related story). Here are recipes and some additional campers’ reactions.
Estimated nutrient content: Each serving provides 240-280 calories (depending on fat content of the milk), ~ 6 gm fiber, 9.5 gm protein, and > more than 10% D.R.I. for calcium (using dairy or fortified soy milk).
"I decided to make overnight oats because I am not much of a breakfast guy and thought this could be a quick and easy breakfast I could prepare for myself before I sleep. The ingredients in this recipe are great for body healing and good for you overall (antioxidants, protein, vitamins, etc.). Overall, this could be a great little meal to have for sick patients. I think I will eat these after a workout , too."
"I chose to make the overnight oats recipe because I wanted to change up my breakfast a little bit and it was such a quick and easy recipe! After making it last night, I tried it this morning and it definitely lived up to my expectations. It was delicious, and I made enough to eat tomorrow as well."
"I love eating oatmeal and usually I eat the one that takes five minutes and has so much sugar and many calories. I loved this recipe because it was not only easy to make, it tasted really good , too. Now I have a new, healthier recipe for oatmeal."
- Scrub sweet potatoes, poke hole in potatoes with a fork, and microwave for about 5 minutes until they begin to soften.
- Cook turkey in a skillet for about 8 minutes. Once browned, add to slow cooker.
- In the same skillet used for the turkey, saute onion and garlic in olive oil for about 10 minutes until onion is softened. Add onion and garlic to slow cooker.
- Cut softened sweet potatoes into small chunks and add to slow cooker.
- Sir Stir canned tomatoes, black beans, chili powder, cumin, oregano, and hot pepper sauce into slow cooker and cook for 2 hours.
"I chose to make the lemon-ricotta yogurt parfait because, one, it’s very easy to make and, two, I had all the ingredients right in my kitchen. Instead of using blueberries, I used strawberries instead and for the nuts, I used granola."
Sam Rodgers (B.S. 2015) is running for the New York State . Senate from the 53rd Senate district. After completing his nutrition science degree at Syracuse, where he was co-captain of the football team, Sam completed a law degree at Cornell. He continued in the M.P.A. program in Maxwell.
Christine Santella (B.S. 2018, C.A.S. 2019) is a clinical dietitian at The Commons on St. Anthony, Auburn, New York, and the proud mom of a 7-year old daughter and a 7-month old son.
Steve Senenko, P.APA-C., R.D., (B.S. 2005) joined the Crouse Medical Practice in Camillus, New York in September 2019.
Dr. Kim Stote (Ph.D. 2004) is serving as associate dean for health professions at SUNY Empire State. Since leaving Syracuse University, she completed a post-doctoral fellowship at the Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center, U.S.D.A., and later a Fulbright Scholar appointment at the University of Prince Edward Island, Canada, as the Research Chair of NutriSciences and Health.