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Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

The Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science is a vibrant academic and research community of scholars.

We encourage you to become familiar with the research areas in the Department, to reach out to our faculty for support, and to become actively engaged in the Department community. One way we encourage our students to become involved is by attending the colloquium series we hold throughout the academic year. This is an opportunity to learn about advances in the academic community and to network with faculty and students from across campus.

We are committed to helping you achieve your career goals. Students can take full advantage of what the University has to offer by learning about the graduate resources available in the College and the campus resources available at the University.

For the most current information about your particular degree of study, you can refer to the Graduate Course Catalog. The Graduate School maintains a checklist of Graduate Requirements that all graduate students should be familiar with to ensure they are on track for degree completion. This site also has many necessary forms, dates and deadlines, and access to resources. Engineering and Computer Science IT Support (CIT)

Here you will find the most frequently asked questions as well as technology and procedural how-to's.  We hope that this resource will assist you in finding all the correct answers to your questions!

EECS Alumni

titleSkills Letter Request

Graduates of our department who apply for work visa or permanent residency/green card often need verification of the skills they obtained during their graduate studies. To request a “Skills Verification” letter please follow the below steps:

  • E-mail your request to the EECS Graduate Office: EECS Grad Students Requests , please include:
    • Your full name
    • 9-digit SU student ID number
    • The degree you received and the semester/year in which you received it.
    • The courses you would like a skill for (ex: CSE 742; ELE 621; CIS 689).
    • Skill(s) associated with course you have chosen (See skill descriptions below.  Note: skill verbiage cannot be changed, and we cannot add attendance dates to a letter.) 
      See sample letter (your request must be in the same format as in the sample letter).
  • Please note
    • We cannot verify skills in courses taken as audit (AU), undergraduate classes or for those courses where a grade of B- or below was earned.
    • The letter will be prepared on letterhead and signed by the Graduate Records Office, all letters are signed electronically.
    • Only topics and skills included in course catalog descriptions can be certified. Letters cannot be modified and customized with skills beyond those which are mentioned in the course catalog description.
    • If you are requesting a skill, be added please add it to the bottom of your request and highlight it in yellow.  It may take 1-4 weeks for a response on a new skill request as it must go before a faculty committee.  Note: not all requests will be approved.
    • Skill letters will only be allowed to be revised once - please review your request with the person requesting the skills before you send the request to our office.

Skill descriptions

  • E-mail the form to Only one revision will be permitted.  Please allow 5-14 business days for processing (longer if requesting an additional skill). 

titleUnpaid Internship Opportunity

Complete the ECS Internship Application Form:

Questions should be sent to contacts listed

Prospective and Admitted Students

titleGeneral Information

Graduate - ECS – Syracuse University-information for prospective students, including the application process

titlePercent Grant/Merit Scholarship

Grant/Merit scholarship will be applied to your student account after the drop deadline and before the bill is due

Consideration for scholarships is given at time of application review. No further funding is available after admission.

titleBridge Coursework

Bridge courses cannot be waived, and must be completed during the first semester you are enrolled

To enroll in your bridge courses e-mail The email should include your name, SUID, and course name and number for registration, use Bridge Coursework Registration in the subject line.

If you were not assigned a bridge course during the admission process but would like to take one a one-on-one meeting with the department chair can be arranged to determine if the course will be beneficial for your academic success.

titleHow do I turn in my official degree bearing transcript?

​Graduate Admission Transcript Requirement -

To submit your transcript by mail/express delivery or by electronic delivery directly from the institution:

Syracuse University

Graduate Admissions Processing

400 Ostrom Avenue

Syracuse, NY 13244

Many U.S. colleges and universities allow you to order a transcript for electronic delivery.
Use this email address when you order a transcript from the institution for electronic delivery to SU:

title4+1 (BSMS) Program

4+1 (BSMS) Program

Invitations are made to rising seniors after completion of their junior year, eligible students will be notified via email and asked to apply after posting of spring grades. Accepted students will be notified after the application review is completed.


Overall GPA 3.3 or better; and

Completion of three of the following four courses with B+ or better in each course*

    • ELE 324
    • ELE 333
    • ELE 351
    • ELE 354

Student has completed no more than 4 technical electives (leaving at least 2 technical electives)


Overall GPA 3.3 or better; and

Completion of three of the following four courses with B+ or better in each course*

    • CIS 351
    • CSE 381
    • CIS/CSE 486
    • CSE 464

Student has completed no more than 4 technical electives (leaving at least 2 technical electives)


Overall GPA 3.3 or better; and

Completion of three of the following four courses with B+ or better in each course*

    • CIS 341
    • CIS 352
    • CIS 477
    • CIS/CSE 486

Student has completed no more than 4 upper-division electives (leaving at least 2 upper-division electives).

*Note: If only three of the four courses have been completed, student may be conditionally accepted until the course is completed, and the minimal grade of B+ has been earned. The applicant must be registered for, and complete, the remaining course during the fall semester. Acceptance will be made official provided the stated criteria (course completion, minimal course grade, and overall GPA) have been met at the end of the semester.

For more information, e-mail

Current Students

titleGeneral Information

University Questions and Answers
Center for International Services
Barnes Center at the Arch
Engineering and Computer Science IT Support (CIT

titleEnrollment Verification

Students can see past, current and early enrollment verifications, additional information can be found at enrollment verifications

titleLast Semester Memo

Students who are in their last semester are allowed to register for less than a full course of study but must enroll in classes that meet on campus for the entire semester and must file a Last Semester Memo with the Center for International Services.

How to File a Last Semester Memo:

  1. Log in to the International Student and Scholar (ISSS) Portal through MySlice.
    • If you do not have access to the portal please email The Center for International Services with a detailed description of the issue (include screenshots if possible) or visit the Center for International Services during walk-in advising (Monday – Friday from 11 am to 3 pm).
  2. Go to the Student Request Center (to the right of the page).
  3. Find the Last Semester Memo Request.
  4. Complete the Questionnaire.
  5. Read the Student Acknowledgement section and confirm you have read the information.
  6. Enter the following: Cynthia Salanger, email for departmental approval. Do not email Cynthia Salanger directly as your request will not be processed.
  7. Submit the Request.

titleOptional Practical Training (OPT)

All requests for OPT letters should be sent to for approval and processing

titleCurricular Practical Training (CPT)

Curricular Practical Training (CPT) Guidelines for EECS International Students

What is Curricular Practical Training (CPT)?

CPT is intended to provide international students work experience directly related, and integral to, a student’s degree. While not intended for general, ongoing work authorization, CPT can help students build their professional network while they are enrolled as a student providing learning outside of their classrooms.

Who is eligible for CPT?

A student must be in valid F-1-status and have been a full-time student in the U.S. for one academic year (Fall and Spring semesters) before participating in CPT. CPT is not available for students who have completed their coursework and completed their program of study. CPT approval is authorized for one semester (Fall, Spring, or Summer) new CPT paperwork must be submitted and approved each semester. Approval from EECS is required for CPT.

CPT Eligibility requirements:

Fall Admits

  1. Completion of 18 credits of course work in the EECS Department at Syracuse University
  2. Completion of a minimum of 2 core courses
  3. Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher in program of study
  4. Passing all program requirements

Spring Admits

  1. Completion of 18 credits of course work in the EECS Department at Syracuse University
  2. Completion of a minimum of 2 core courses
  3. Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher in program of study
  4. Passing all program requirements
  5. Completion of spring and fall semester, eligibility for CPT begins during a student’s second summer session

Academics will be reviewed at time of CPT request and considered as part of the CPT application process.

CPT application process:

Step 1: Please highlight all information in yellow.

Provide a formal offer letter, on company letterhead, which includes all of the following:

  1. Company address, including street address of where you will be working (no P.O. Box)
  2. Job title and formal job description.
  3. Placement location: onsite, remote or hybrid.
  4. Company location of placement, if your position is remote or hybrid
  5. Exact start and end date, dates must begin and end within the semester.
  6. Hours per week
  7. Paid (include salary) or unpaid
  8. Signed by company representative with applicable contact information

Spring 2024 semester: Placement can run from January 16, 2024-May 7, 2024 and must start no later than January 23, 2024 (add deadline)

Summer 2024 semester: Placement can run from May 13, 2024-August 27, 2024 (tentative) and must start no later than May 6, 2024.

**Please note: If CPT is being completed in your final semester your placement must end on or before the final day of your final semester-May 7, 2024.

Step 2:

Identify a EECS full-time faculty sponsor who will monitor progress and assign a grade complete the Independent Study Form with them.

  1. All fields must be completed by the student and/or faculty sponsor
  2. Course Elective, Type: experience credit
  3. Form must be submitted with student signature
  4. Form must be submitted with faculty sponsor signature

Fall and Spring CPT only: Full-Time Certification Form must be completed if you will be registered for less than 9 credits while completing your CPT. If this will be your final semester please see Last Semester Memo-above.

Step 3:

  1. Submit all completed documentation to:
  2. Paperwork will be reviewed for completion and student eligibility
  3. EECS will submit all paperwork to the University Registrar’s Office with the student cc’d
  4. University Registrar's Office will process and post to the student account: (exp. CPT) EECS will send approved recommendation letter to students SU email account

Additional Notes:

  1. If paperwork has been processed and approved for a CPT site and the student decides to complete CPT at a new site new paperwork must be completed
  2. Students are responsible for ensuring a grade is posted for you by your faculty sponsor at the end of the semester
  3. An I20 cannot be extended for CPT
  4. Registration for CPT must be completed before the add deadline each semester, completed paperwork must be submitted no later than 10 business days before the add deadline.
  5. Registration for CPT will result in a charge of 1 credit hour of tuition on a student bill
  6. CPT credits do not count towards required program credits for completion of your degree
  7. Students may participate in one off campus, in-person CPT during their academic program
  8. Delays in processing will occur if forms and supporting documentation are not provided

Employee Internship Introduction Letter.docx.pdf


***CPT policy is subject to change, check back for updates***

titleCASE Center Co-Op

titleRA/TA/Student Employment Information

How do I apply for RA and TA positions?

  1. Research Assistantship appointments: Contact the faculty member with whom you want to work.
  2. Teaching Assistantship appointments:  TA application requests will be sent out to EECS students in late fall (Nov., Dec.) and early spring (March). 

Reminder, first year MS students will not be considered for TA positions in their first semester of study.

How will I be notified of a TA appointment?

  1. Fall semester offer letters will be emailed by July 7
  2. Spring semester offer letters will be emailed by December 20

Additional Notes:

  1. Those who do not receive stipend-bearing TA offer may be considered for hourly positions depending on department needs and positions available.
  2. Please do not resend inquiries or requests for additional consideration after the deadline mentioned in the TA information/application email.
  3. Students must register for classes as soon as open enrollment starts, all students with an assistantship appointment must be registered for classes.

titleStudent Employees

I’m a new student hire, what should I do?

Visit You’re Hired - 'Cuse Works – Syracuse University for important employee related information
Visit Sign up for Direct Deposit for instructions on setting up direct deposit

For issues with your personal payroll account contact or 315-443-4042 (option2)

Visit Recording Time to learn how to complete your timesheet

Reminder, you must clock in and out each time you work a shift. If your timesheet needs to be corrected contact Cynthia Bromka-Skafidas at immediately

titleLab Information

I am a RA. How do I get a key to the lab?

Please have your advisor email Shawn Knight and request a key.

What should I do with my lab key at the end of the semester?

All keys are to be returned to Shawn Knight in person.  Do not leave the key with a fellow student or faculty member. It is your responsibility to turn in your own key!

I am locked out of my lab. Whom should I contact?

During normal office hours, you can contact any staff member in the department to give you access to your lab. Call (315) 443-2652 weekdays until 5 p.m. during the academic year and 4:30 p.m. during the summer. Weekends– Please contact DPS at (315) 443-2224

I am a TA. Will I be assigned an office for office hours?

EECS Dept. currently has 2 TA rooms that are available to be used for office hours located in the basement of CST.  Each door has a sign-up sheet that is used to reserve the room.


Transferring within EECS from one program to another

  • Returning students can submit a transfer request until two weeks before the first day of classes.  You are encouraged, however, to submit a transfer request early so you can select courses based on your new program of study during the course registration period for returning students. E-mail the form to 
  • New students must wait until grades have been posted from their first semester to submit a transfer request.
  • Note - if you transfer from one program to another and are receiving a percent grant, it may not transfer to the new program.

Transferring into EECS from another College

  • Students interested in transferring into EECS must email their completed form-graduate-program-transfer.pdf to
  • Once the completed applications is received, information will be forwarded to the faculty review committee for consideration
  • Note-if you transfer from one college to another and are receiving grants and other aid, it may not transfer to the new program

titleCourse Registration

All returning EECS students (MS/PhD in EECS) are required to early register. Fall registration begins in April; Spring registration begins in November. New student registration is in August for the fall semester, and in January for the spring semester. Individual students are responsible for their course registration.  (See Academic Calendar)

titleRegistering for Courses

If you have a hold on your account, you will see a red circle with a line through it. Click on that and it will indicate which office to contact. All registration should be completed before the add deadline. (See Academic Calendar).

Academic questions regarding registration of a class should be sent to your academic advisor.  Questions regarding difficulties using MySlice can be answered here, or you can contact IT if the problem persists.

If the add deadline has passed, MySlice will not allow you register; this policy is strictly enforced.

Generally, residential students do not take online courses as our department does not offer them. If our department is offering an online class for residential students, the department will notify students via SU e-mail.

When searching for classes, be sure to select in-person classes from the drop-down menu.

(2U on-line classes are for students in the on-line program and not eligible to be taken by residential students.)

Taking a Winterlude course - if you are here on a "F or J” VISA - please contact the International Office before registering for Winterlude to see what immigration rules may or may not apply.

titleDropping Courses

It is recommended to drop classes before the add deadline. 

If the add deadline has passed, MySlice will not allow you to drop a class on-line if you are an international student; All international students have blocks on their accounts to stop them from dropping below full-time without first consulting with their program and with the Center for International Services. In these situations, either the student or department can reach out to us directly stating that they are international, wish to go below full-time, and specify the class(es) they want to drop. Registrar’s office will then consult with CIS to confirm this won’t impact their visa, and then if approved, would drop them from the class.

If it is not your last semester, you cannot drop below 9 credits if you are a full-time student. Students on an F1 Visa must apply for their last semester memo if 9 credits are not needed for degree completion in the last semester of enrollment.

titleIndependent Study

Students will complete applicable information on the Independent Study Form and send to your faculty sponsor for signature

After the faculty sponsor (must be f/t faculty from EECS) signs the Proposal for Independent Study, the student must email the form to
– Students in MSCS (only), send to : Dr. Nadeem Ghani
– Students in MSEE, MSCE or MS Cyber, send to: Graduate Program Director Dr. Qinru Qiu.

After the Graduate Program Director approves, it will be forwarded to: Cynthia Salanger who will review the form and e-mail it to the Registrar’s office (with a cc to student). Registrar’s office will post the Independent Study to your course registration.  (Please allow 7-10 business days or longer during high volume periods). 

PhD students - will send Cynthia Salanger the Proposal for Independent Study form after their PhD advisor signs the form - she will get the other needed signatures.

Proposal for Independent Study  

titleAcademic Deadlines

Be aware, throughout the semester, of the Academic Calendar and plan accordingly. The student is responsible for adhering to deadlines.

Remember forms, petitions and other academic paperwork processing can take up to 5 business days to be reviewed. Do not wait until a deadline to submit paperwork.

Graduate students can withdraw from classes on their own through MySlice; however, if they’re planning to withdraw under full-time credits then they’ll need to submit a Class Withdrawal Petition for review no later than the Withdrawal Deadline.

titleReturning from Leave

Complete the Application for Readmission/ Termination of Leave of Absence and submit to

titleAcademic Assistance
  • Reach out to the instructor or TA if you need help in your class.
  • MS programs:
    • Electrical Engineering or Computer Engineering e-mail Dr. Qinru Qiu or visit her during open office hours.
    • MS Computer Science, e-mail Dr. Nadeem Ghani or visit him during open office hours.
    • Cybersecurity, e-mail Dr. Shiu-Kai Chin for an appointment.
titleSatisfactory Academic Progress
  • At any time that a student is not meeting all of their program requirements, they are considered on academic warning.
  • At any time, the department can terminate a student due to lack of academic progress based on the fact that they are not meeting all of their program requirements.
  • You may or may not receive a notice from the department that your academics are failing. It is your responsibility to know your program requirements.  Please review the course catalog for the year and semester that you matriculated into the program and/or check Degree Works. You can access Degree Works via MySlice; it will appear under the Advising tile on your home page. (If you were in another program, please make sure you are reaching out to your Master’s program advisor and not your previous advisor).  
  • (When checking the academic calendar for your requirements, make sure you are in the correct catalog year.)

titleRemoval of Scholarship
  • To retain your percent grant you must:
  • Be registered for 9 credits that can be used in your program of study each semester.  You do not have to be registered for 9 credits during your final semester.
  • Have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher after the second semester and remain at 3.0 or higher.  Failure to do so means that the grant will be permanently removed.

titleRepeating a Course
  • Once your new grade from your repeated course is posted to your account, complete the flag petition and e-mail to Cynthia Salanger.
  • Both your original and new grade will be posted to your transcript.
  • Once the flag petition is processed the original grade will have a (*) notation, indicating it has been repeated.
  • Only your new grade will be used to calculate your cumulative GPA.

titlePh.D. students

titleGeneral QE Scope

titleGeneral QE Guidelines

titleQE1 Information

QE1 are generally administered each spring semesterTentative date , the 2023-2024 QE1 has been set for January 68, 2024. Students will be notified once final date is determined 

titlePrevious QE1

titleQE2 Information
  • QE2 committee consists of the advisor and one other EECS tenured/tenure-track faculty member (no formal approval needed). Any exceptions require department chair approval.
  • Focus: presentation of a written report and an oral critique of one or more publications. The successful student will demonstrate their ability to understand and analyze publications, as well as write and speak satisfactorily.

titleChanging your advisor

titleDissertation Information

titleProposal Defense

titleColloquium Presentation
  • The objective of the student’s presentation(s) at the Department Colloquium Series is to communicate the student’s research results to the faculty and students of the department. The student must give at least one talk at this colloquium based on his/her dissertation prior to the final dissertation defense.
  • The completed request for colloquium presentation must be sent via email to Cynthia Salanger and Rebecca Noble, no less than 2 weeks prior to the presentation date.
  • Presentation must be scheduled within the academic semester when students are on campus, and not during reading days or final exams.

titleDissertation Defense
  • At a minimum, the dissertation defense committee consists of four SU tenured or tenure track faculty members, including the oral defense chair and the student’s dissertation advisor. The oral exam chair must be a tenured or tenure track faculty member at Syracuse University from outside of the student’s program of enrollment. The remaining two committee members must be tenured, or tenure track faculty members employed by Syracuse University with relevant expertise and typically from the student’s program and/or affiliated program faculty.
  • Per the rules, petitions to include one non-tenure track faculty member to be part of the minimum four-person committee will be considered. The petition can only be for Syracuse University non tenure track faculty who are integral to the research training of the student’s doctoral program.  Once the committee membership has been approved, the student sends the Request for Examination
to the Graduate School. 

titleMS students

titleCore Course Final Exams

Core Course Final Exam grades can be found in Degree Works in the "Core Course Examinations" section

Students must average a grade of B- (2.667) or higher in the four-core course final exams

A grade calculator is available on MySlice which can be used to compute your final exam average.

Core course final grades are different than the core course final exam grades

*Final exam grades can take up to 2-3 weeks after the end of the semester to post.

titleMaster's Thesis Requirements
  • The Master’s Thesis must be started at least 2 semesters before you graduate. (It cannot be started in your final semester.) Registration must include 3 credits of thesis for your last two semesters.
  • Fill out a petition to the faculty asking permission to do a Master’s Thesis as part of your program of study.  Please include what your research will be about, you and the full-time faculty from our department who has agreed to monitor your thesis, must sign the petition.

titleFinal Semester Requirements
  • Students must file a Diploma Request in MySlice before classes start (preferably when you early register for your last semester).
  • Check Degree Works to see if you are on track to graduate. You can access Degree Works via MySlice; it will appear under the Advising tile on your home page.

If you are graduating with a thesis:


The M.S. program in Cybersecurity requires you to take 30 credits as follows:

  • 12 credits of cybersecurity core classes                              
    • CSE 643 Computer Security                                                   
    • CIS 623 Structured Programming and Formal Methods                                              
    • CIS 657  Principles of Operating Systems                                          
    • CIS 675  Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  • 12 credits of coursework taken from the list of approved technical cybersecurity electives
    • Approved 600-level courses and any 700-level EECS Security Course-see notes section of courses MySlice during registration for course inclusion
  • 6 additional credits of coursework
    • All CIS/CSE courses at the 600-level or higher can be counted towards this requirement.
    • Students may also choose to apply *one* nontechnical cybersecurity course (i.e., 3 credits) towards this 6-credit requirement.
    • Current list of approved nontechnical cybersecurity electives:

LAW 775

Internet Law

PSC 755

Politics and Governance in the Information Age

IST 602

Digital Forensics

IST 634

Security in Networked Environments 

IST 704

Applied Info Security

IST 625

Enterprise Risk Management

IST 634

Security in Networked Environments

IST 728

Cyber Security and Policy
