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Contact your department's IT area, Technology Leadership Counsel (TLC) member or Distributed Staff Person (DSP). The signage infrastructure may already be set up and available for you.

Second: Location, Location, Location

A digital sign can range from a 12 inch display on a receptionists desk to a 12 foot multi-touch interactive video wall in a building lobby.  In the first instance all you need is some agreed upon space on the counter and a power outlet. In the second you may need architectural design and a building permit. Please coordinate with your building manager and/or Campus Planning Design & Construction (CPDC) for an evaluation of your project. Learning Environments and Media Production (LEMP) will be willing to work with you to determine proper LCD screen sizes for your intended audience, recommend models and mounts and may even assist with installations.


    1. The AD Administrators may locate edit the "ADMIN" group in their "Built-In" groups folder and add membersmembership using SUper. Membership provides access to the make changes within your unit's area of the Content Manager Desktop application.
      • "SU-<OU>-Digital Signage Admins"  users in this group members have full permission using Content Manager at the OU-Network Level, OU-Content Folder and OU-Templates, to create, delete, and schedule everything associated with a particular sign in their respective OU or Location.Group Permissions detail
    2. Users may be added/removed to/from appropriate groups per request of the units DSNA/AD administrator supporting their particular area. Check with your units DSP or TLC member for any additional authorizations that may be necessary before permissions are granted.  Training/overview is recommended prior to a new user being added to a group.
    3. Membership in the "SU-<OU>-Digital Signage Admins" group also grants remote desktop access to the terminal server that runs the Content Manager Desktop application:

Ready to Start?

These links will get you started:

Getting Content on the SU Digital Signage Network

Learn more about Advertising Standards and make requests to have your content displayed on the ~200 Digital Signs around campus.

Sources and Relevant Links
