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The worksheet is comprised of  links to MySlice/Degree works Answers, the student's academic information, worksheet formats, requirement blocks, historical audits and the legend. Students can also print their audit, email their advisor or view their class history which is similar to an "unofficial transcript."

Image Modified

Worksheets - Responsive Dashboard

Worksheets - Responsive Dashboard

Worksheets - Responsive Dashboard

Worksheets - Responsive Dashboard

Worksheets - Responsive Dashboard

Worksheets - Responsive Dashboard

Worksheets - Responsive Dashboard




Class History

Student Information

Student Header Information




The top of Degree Works contains links to return to MySlice or access the Degree Works Answers page for information regarding Degree Works.
Once the link is clicked for MySlice or Help, it will open that page in a new  tab or window in your browser.

Print/Email/Class History

Print, Email and Class History features display in the top right of the screen.

Printing Audit

When printing, a specific printer can be selected or an audit may be saved as a pdf. The audit will be date stamped at top of page.

Emailing Advisor

When the email icon is selected, a student's advisor(s) will be listed.


The email can be selected to email that advisor.

Class History
Class History
Class History

Class History is found when clicking the ellipsis symbol.

Class History provides a semester breakdown of coursework completed including transfer credit.

Student Information
Student Information
Student Information

A student's ID, Preferred Name and Degree Type will display at the top of the worksheet. 

If you have multiple degree types as a graduate student (e.g. CAS and MS); or a dual program or double major with different degree types as an undergraduate student, the Degree field at top will appear as a dropdown.
The drop down can be used to switch between your degree audits.

Student Header Information
Student Header Information
Student Header Information

The student header information displayed above the audit is a customized view of a student's program of study and demographic information.


 The exception to this is a CAS under the Law career is a different degree from the graduate CAS and will be 2 separate audits since 2 different careers. The duplicate student header information issue is being addressed and with hopes of a quick resolution!


 Worksheet Format Types:
The worksheet automatically defaults to the Student View.


However, there are different worksheet formats in the drop down that are available to view.
Student View
Graduation Checklist
Registration Checklist


The legend displays at the bottom of the Student View audit. It provides a simple description of the various symbols throughout the audit.

Complete: Image Modified(green outlined circle with green checkmark)

This symbol will appear beside all requirements within the audit that have been completed.  When hovering over the symbol, the description of the symbol will appear "Requirement is complete."

Not Complete:     Image Modified       (red outlined circle)

This symbol will appear beside all requirements that have not been completed.  When hovering over the symbol, the description of the symbol will appear "Not complete."

Complete except for classes in-progress:  Image Modified (blue outlined circle/circle is half blue)

This symbol will appear for requirements where you are currently registered for the class(es) needed to fulfill the requirement. When hovering over the symbol, the description of the symbol will appear "When the in-progress classes are completed this requirement should be complete." 

Nearly complete-GPA or credit req needs review-See advisor:     Image Modified(tan circle with tan exclamation point)

This symbol will appear when all of the course requirements have been met but there are additional requirements such as gpa, minimum credits of a discipline or minimum credits of a block that have not been met. For example, if you have completed all of your course requirements but have not met the minimum gpa requirement of the block, this symbol will appear at the top of that block.  When hovering over the symbol, the description of the symbol will appear "When the in-progress classes are completed this requirement should be complete."  
 @ Designates any course number or any subject

The "@" symbol in Degree Works is considered a wildcard. The symbol means it represents all courses when used as course prefix or as a course number or both. When the @ symbol precedes a range of numbers (i.e. @ 100:499), any course prefix within that range of course numbers will fulfill the requirement. When a course prefix is followed by @ (i.e. BIO @), this means any course number with that prefix will fulfill the requirement. If a requirement is noted with @ @, this means any prefix and any course number will fulfill the requirement.

Grade Definitions or other symbols in audit (NOT in legend):

  •  TR - the grade associated with transfer credit awarded from another institution
  • OT - the grade awarded for test based transfer credit (i.e. AP exam)
  • IP - the grade for a course that is currently being taken
  • : (colon) Designates a range of courses; If a colon is showing between course numbers in a requirement (i.e. CHE 100:499) it designates a range. Any course within the numbers in the range will fulfill the requirement
  • ADV_APPR - Advisor Approved; A requirement that contains ADV_APPR Advisor Approved means that an advisor must approve the course to be used for that requirement and the advisor or school/college representative is responsible for manually entering the course into Degree Works through exceptions.