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titleWho has access to an audit in Degree Works?

Beginning in January 2017, undergraduate students as well as students in the College of Law will be able to access Degree Works. Students will be able to view their audit for two years after their last enrollment at Syracuse University. Graduate students will have access at a later date.

titleI’ve seen the ‘@’ symbol in several places on my audit. What does this mean?
This is a wild card in Degree Works. If the @ sign appears with course numbers after it (i.e., @ 100:499), it means that you can take any subject area with that level (a 100-400 level course from any subject area). If it appears after a subject prefix (i.e., PSY @), it means that you can take any course with that subject prefix (any course in Psychology).
titleI have already graduated from SU and checked my audit; it appears my requirements aren’t complete – what does that mean?
If you have graduated and received your diploma prior to the implementation of Degree Works, your requirements in your audit may show as in-progress or incomplete even though they were resolved when you graduated. For example, if you had approved petitions these may not be reflected on your audit because petitions were not entered for prior graduates.


titleI think my audit is incorrect. What should I do?
Please ask your advisor for assistance. The first step is to clarify what information you believe is wrong. These are the most common problems and courses of action:

•             My major is wrong on my audit.

If you have not officially changed your major, contact your current advisor for instructions. If you have already officially changed your major, the Degree Works audit will only display your active degree audit. If your change is effective for a future term, the change may not reflect until that term.

•             The requirements for my major are wrong.

Look at the catalog term that appears on the major requirements block of the audit. According to our records this is the catalog (bulletin) that you are using to complete your major requirements. If you believe you should be using older or newer requirements, contact your advisor.

•             My transfer courses don't appear in the right place.

If you are concerned about a transfer course that should be applying in the audit, contact your advisor.

•             Classes are not applying in the “right” place.

Degree Works uses a ‘best fit’ approach for meeting requirements so classes may apply to different sections as you take more courses. If you have further questions, please contact your advisor.

•             My advisor or department chair gave me permission to substitute a course, but it's not showing on my audit.

Talk with your advisor. Advisors and students can request to the designees of your home college, an exception to the standard requirements. Once exceptions are entered, the change will appear on the audit.

•             My minor is missing from my audit.

If you have not officially declared your minor, contact your current advisor for instructions. If you have already officially declared your minor, your department may still be updating your records. Please contact your department for a status of the change.

•             My major requires me to complete an area of emphasis, but it didn’t appear on the audit. What’s wrong?

If you have not officially declared your area of emphasis, contact your current advisor for instructions. If you have already officially declared your area of emphasis, your department may still be updating your records. Please contact your department for a status of the change.

If none of these problems describe your situation, or if you need additional help identifying what’s wrong, contact your advisor. If the advisor believes a technical error exists on the audit, they will contact your home college and the Office of the Registrar.

titleI have been cleared for graduation, but Degree Works says that I haven’t completed all my requirements. Does this mean that I won’t be able to graduate?
Not necessarily. This can be a timing issue such as posting of grades for the current term, or if you are a recent graduate or Senior, your home college may not have added all petitions to your record. If you have followed through on any requirements you were told to complete, you should still be on track for graduation. Contact your advisor and home college office as soon as possible.
titleWhen should I look at my degree audit?
At least four times a semester. You should always review your audit:

1.            Before you meet with your academic advisor to discuss registration for an upcoming semester.

2.            After you register to ensure that the courses you selected applied to your requirements like you thought they would.

3.            After your grades for each semester are posted.

4.            Any time you make a change to your schedule or major.

titleHow is my degree audit different from my transcript?
Your degree audit is a tool to provide you with academic information related to your degree progress. It displays courses required and completed in your degree program. Your transcript is your official university academic record and provides a chronological list of courses completed and other academic information.


titleI repeated a course and I don’t understand how it appears on the degree audit. Can you explain this to me?

If you successfully repeat a course, only your last attempt counts toward degree requirements. The earlier attempt(s) will be placed in an "Insufficient" category at the bottom of your audit. The courses in this area do not count toward your total hours, and they cannot be used to fulfill requirements.

This is a wild card in Degree Works. If the @ sign appears with course numbers after it (i.e., @ 100:499), it means that you can take any subject area with that level (a 100-400 level course from any subject area). If it appears after a subject prefix (i.e., PSY @), it means that you can take any course with that subject prefix (any course in Psychology)
titleI’ve seen the ‘@’ symbol in several places on my audit. What does this mean?
How are pass/fail graded courses handled in Degree Works?

If a pass/fail course is in-progress, it may count in a requirement if course subject and number meets requirement criteria. However, once the P/F grade is assigned, it will depend on the pass/fail academic rules of your home school or college. If pass/fail grades are not allowed for your requirements, the course will fall into the Courses Not Allocated or Not Counted section of your audit.

titleWho should I contact if I still have questions or disagree with the audit?
Please contact your academic advisor with any questions.


titleHow long must my Degree Works session remain inactive before it times out?
Unlike MySlice, your Degree Works session will not time out. Therefore, it is very important to close your Degree Works browser window when finished.



