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Exit and Delete Your Preview User Account

When you exit the student preview, you are prompted to keep or delete the preview user and all its associated data.

Delete the preview user and all data (Recommended) - If you are finished previewing the course as a student, delete the data and remove the preview user from your course.

Keep the preview user and all data - If you are temporarily leaving the student preview to complete your task in your real account, keep the preview user and data.  You can delete the user and data by returning to student preview and changing these settings.

Remember this choice and do not ask again - This can be changed in Student Preview Settings, located in the Student Preview control bar.

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When you enter student preview mode and are logged in to your course with the preview user account, your preview user appears in the course roster.  Users can identify this as a preview user account by the way it is named:its last name is your last name appended with "_PreviewUser" and its username is your username appended with "_previewuser".
