Audit Request Form
This form is used to request permission to audit a course, instead of receiving a letter grade. The form is completed electronically, and then submitted to the Biology Department Graduate Program Administrator, Lynn Fall (LSC 114, 315.443.9154, lfall@syr.edu) after obtaining the course instructor's signature. This form must be submitted prior to the "Grading option deadline to elect or rescind audit" deadline for the semester in which the course is being audited.
Class Withdrawal Petition
This form is used to request permission to withdraw from a course after the Academic/Financial deadline to drop class has passed, but prior to the Withdrawal deadline. The form is completed electronically, and then submitted to the Biology Department Graduate Program Administrator, Lynn Fall (LSC 114, 315.443.9154, lfall@syr.edu) after obtaining the course instructor's signature. A class from which a student withdraws will remain on the student's transcript with the grading symbol WD, however, the WD does not calculate toward the student's grade point average (GPA).
Internship Proposal/Agreement Form
This form is used to request permission to earn credit for an internship. If approved, the student will register for BIO 670 (Experience Credit). The form is completed electronically, and then submitted to the Biology Department Graduate Program Administrator, Lynn Fall (LSC 114, 315.443.9154, lfall@syr.edu) after obtaining the faculty sponsor's signature. This form must be submitted prior to the internship start date.