Petition to Faculty
This form is used whenever a student is requesting approval for something outside the normal program or course requirements. The form is completed electronically, and then submitted to the Biology Department Graduate Program Administrator, Lynn Fall (LSC 114, 315.443.9154, lfall@syr.edu) after obtaining the required signatures (student, advisor, and course instructor, if applicable). Completed petitions are reviewed by the Biology Graduate Education Committee, who will make a decision whether or not to approve the petition.
Proposal for Independent Study Course
This form is used by new Biology graduate students who are doing lab rotations to register for BIO 610 (Graduate Research Laboratory). The form is also used when registering for BIO 688 (Biological Literature) and BIO 690 (Independent Study). The form is completed electronically, and then printed and signed by the student's Research Advisor and/or Faculty Sponsor for the course. After obtaining the required signatures, please see the Biology Department Undergraduate Academic Support Coordinator, Billie Trapani (LSC 114, 315.443.9139, batrapan@syr.edu), who will assign a student-specific permission number which will enable you to complete the course registration in MySlice.