- BIO 997 (Master's Thesis) or BIO 999 (Dissertation) credits should be listed at the bottom of the second page, under Thesis/ Dissertation Credit Hours.
- GRD 998 (Degree in Progress/ 0 credits) should not be listed on this form.
Request for Examination
DEADLINE: The signed form must be submitted at least three weeks prior to the defense date. This form is completed electronically, and then submitted to the Syracuse University Graduate School (304 Lyman Hall), after obtaining the signature of the student's Advisor and the Biology Department Chair. The student will enter the names and e-mail addresses of the members of their Oral Defense Committee, along with the thesis/dissertation title and defense date, time and location. Department approval is granted after your Advisor and your reader(s) notify the Graduate Program Administrator (in writing) that your defense may proceed.