Once you pass this phase of the exam process, you’ll move on to the remaining parts of the exams. Students who do not pass the major exam are allowed one retake, which they must complete by January of the following year. Students who do not pass the second exam will no longer be considered enrolled in the program, though they will keep their assistantship/fellowship for the remainder of the academic year.
Part Two: Submission-Ready Journal Article or Submission-Ready Book Chapter
Finally, you will complete an annotated bibliography based that focuses on your proposed dissertation research area. This part of the exams provides the student with the opportunity to situate his or her own work within the discipline and serves as a segue into the dissertation. This document should begin with an introductory statement that situates the bibliography and explains why you included the works and as well as how they speak to one another and to your larger project. The bibliography itself should present a comprehensive treatment of the research in your topic area and should function as an implicit argument for the relevance of the selected works. You should annotate twenty to twenty-five key works (four articles/essays equal one work) with short (one to two paragraph) annotations that detail and discuss the potential relevance of each entry to the future research project.