Appointment Letters | Kristi Johnson |
Benefits | |
Blackboard | |
Class Lists | |
Classroom Problems | Heather Thompson |
Computer Problems/Support | George Rhinehart |
Copyright | |
Department Chair | Collin Gifford Brooke |
Doctoral Degree in CCR | Krista Kennedy/Graduate Program Website |
Email Accounts | |
Future Professoriate Project | Krista Kennedy |
Grade Changes | /Heather Thompson |
Grade Submission Questions | /Heather Thompson |
Graduate Program | Ke’Arra Allen/Krista Kennedy / Graduate Program Website |
Honors Program | Faith Plvan (?) |
Intertext | Patrick W. Berry |
Keys and Key Codes | Linda Taylor |
ID Card Access to HBC/Writing Center | Linda Taylor |
Learning Communities | |
Lost & Found | |
Office Assignments | |
Office/Safety Supplies | |
Outstanding TA Awards | |
Payroll | |
Peer Consulting | Faith Plvan |
Photocopying & Supplies | |
Printing to the Copier | Linda Taylor/ George Rhinehart |
Professional Development | Faith Plvan |
Promotional Materials | George Rhinehart |
Purchasing | Kristi Johnson |
PWI Evaluation | Faith Plvan |
Resource Library (located in Writing Center) | Faith Plvan |
Retirement | |
Room Reservations (non-classroom only) | |
Scheduling Classes in the Computer Cluster | |
Secretarial Support | Faith Plvan |
Student Complaints & Inquiries | Jonna Gilfus |
Student Ratings (Course Evaluation) | Faith Plvan |
Student Registration | Heather Thompson |
Summer Employment | |
TA Evaluation | |
Teacher Scheduling | Heather Thompson |
Teaching Resources | |
Travel Funding | |
Tuition: Dependent | |
Tuition: Remitted | |
Writing Across the Curriculum | |
Writing Center/Writing Consultants | Faith Plvan |
Page Comparison