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Downloadable VPA Bylaws PDF 718KB


  • The Office of the Dean with the Dean serving as administrative director of the College, the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, the Assistant Dean of Institutional Advancement, the Assistant Dean of Financial Affairs, the Assistant Dean of Recruiting and Admissions, and administrative and support staff.
  • Six academic units consisting of: The School of Art, The Department of Communication and Rhetorical Studies, The School of Design, The Department of Drama, The Setnor School of Music, and the Department of Transmedia.
  • One Chair/Director from each academic unit of the College
  • Faculty of the College
  • Undergraduate and Graduate Students of the College
  • Administrative support for the College

Governance: Members' Responsibilities and Privileges

Faculty (See College of Visual and Performing Arts Advising Manual and Syracuse University Faculty Manual: 2.9-2.18)

The faculty of the College of Visual and Performing Arts is a self-governing body within the jurisdiction of the Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs and the Dean of the College subject to the approval of the University Senate and the Trustees, and according to the precepts of the Syracuse University Faculty Manual.


In the third year of service, or upon request by the majority of the unit’s faculty, the Dean shall conduct a review of the Chair/Director with procedures established and approved by the Faculty Council. All full-time and part-time faculty, along with appropriate staff and administrative leaders will be expected to participate in the review

Faculty Council


The Faculty Council is the legislative body of the College of Visual & Performing Arts regarding the academic issues of the college, including curriculum, faculty governance, academic standards and policies, and promotion and tenure guidelines. It may elicit or respond to proposed goals, policies, and solutions from the Dean, its own members, or any other faculty member. It may enact policy concerning any of these issues, which are considered fully enforceable, provided the dean has authorized the resources to enact those policies.


All full-time members of the faculty of the College are eligible for election to the Faculty Council.  Representatives are elected to a two-year term in office, with the elections staggered so that approximately half of the membership is elected each year.  Individual members may serve a maximum of two consecutive terms in order to foster participation in faculty governance. Each Academic unit of the College holds its elections for new Council members by the end of each academic year. The newly-elected Faculty Council convenes at for the express purpose of electing its chair and forming its subcommittees.


Meetings of the Faculty Council are held monthly during the fall and spring semesters, or more if necessary. The specific dates for these meetings are determined and announced at the beginning of the academic year by the Chair in consultation with the Agenda Committee. The Chair, or in the Chair’s absence, the designated representative, presides over the meetings.

A quorum for Faculty Council meetings is defined as a simple majority (50% plus one). College-wide meetings may be called pursuant to a quorum vote of the Faculty Council. The Faculty Council may set the agenda for these meetings. A quorum of at least 25% of all full-time faculty members is required for any official business to be conducted at a College-wide meeting.


University Senate

The College elects, and the Dean certifies, members to the University Senate as specified by the Senate’s Bylaws.  Each Academic unit elects two representatives, and one alternate, to the University Senate. The remaining allotment of representatives are elected as at-large representatives by all full-time faculty via a College-wide ballot.

Amendment of Bylaws

These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the Faculty Council. Copies of the proposed changes must be sent to all full-time faculty in the College at least two weeks previous to the vote by the Faculty Council.
