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Table of Contents

An Introduction to the Internship Process

The Purpose of an Internship Opportunity:

In recognition that education extends beyond the formal classroom, the faculty of the School of Information Studies (iSchool) encourage students to participate in special learning situations outside existing courses. The internship program is designed to provide the student with the opportunity to work in a day-to-day professional environment under the supervision of an experienced professional and with the guidance of an iSchool faculty member. In addition, the programs are designed to promote positive interaction between the faculty and students of iSchool and experienced information management professionals in institutions, businesses, libraries, and other agencies. 

The Difference between Internships and Co-ops:

 At the School of Information Studies, internships are work experiences offered by employers. 


Students are encouraged to seek meaningful, relevant internships in which they can apply the theories taught in the classroom to real world applications. While Site Supervisors do share their knowledge and expertise with interns, the students give a tremendous amount back to the organization in terms of projects completed, professional services rendered, enthusiasm, creativity, and new approaches to information problems.

Where the Internship fits into an Information Studies’ Program:

Students usually select and register for internship opportunities once they have completed approximately one-half of their academic program at the School of Information Studies. This is to ensure that they have the skills to be successful in the work experience they select. However, students are encouraged to plan early, so that their work experience will best parallel their professional goals. It is never too early to contact the Academic Advisor or Faculty Supervisor to develop a goal and discuss possibilities.

Benefits for Everyone

Clearly, an internship opportunity is a winning situation for everyone involved!  While you, the student, gain real work experience, your employer gains the use of your skills for a designated period of time.  Let’s take a closer look at exactly what benefits will accrue for the various parties:


  • provide stimulating, practical learning environments for students
  • meet the individual needs of students
  • promote a good working relationship with public and private sector organizations

Frequently Asked Questions ?

1.  Must I do an internship?


Keep in mind that a total of 3 credit hours will count towards your degree. If you get an extension you must register and pay for 1 credit which will be above and beyond your degree requirements, i.e. you can possibly graduate with 37 credits for a 36 credit program.

Just the Facts:  Finding an Internship

In selecting a site, use the following Resources:


  • There must be a Site Supervisor who is more knowledgeable about the work than the student and have professional work experience
  • The Site Supervisor must be willing to guide, supervise, and evaluate the student
  • There must be specific, finite tasks for the student to complete
  • These tasks must be considered educationally useful by the Faculty Supervisor and /or Academic Advisor

A Checklist for You to Use :

  I.  Finding an Internship Opportunity:
