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Approved by the Information Studies Faculty, 8 November 2002. As amended 5/8/06, 4/15/11, 4/13/2012, 3/24/17, 1/19/18, 7/31/20, 9/1/22


3.1 It is the intent of the iSchool to award all students in satisfactory standing financial aid (stipend, benefits and tuition) during the first four years, and if possible the first five, five years of their study, including summer funding for 3 first three years. However, because of the limited availability of funds and the need to support both new and continuing students, support is not and cannot be guaranteed for any student.

  • Awards generally require that the student work as a graduate research or teaching assistant.
  • Students are encouraged throughout the program to develop alternative sources of funding, through faculty, School or personally sponsored programs of research.
  • Funding may be available past the fourth fifth year, but decisions regarding such funding may be based on the needs of the iSchool rather than individual merit.


  • Other qualified individuals may serve as a student’s advisor with the agreement of the student and the individual and approval of the PhD Program Director and the Graduate School.
  • A faculty member may continue to serve as an advisor for one year after he or she has left the School, with the agreement of the student and the individual and approval of the Director. Such an arrangement should be approved only for a student who expects to defend his or her dissertation within the year.


  • Schedule a proposal meeting with his/her committee and announce the meeting. 
  • File Doctoral Form #7.
  • Distribute an abstract of the proposal to all IST faculty members, all resident Ph.D. students, and interested Master’s students.
  • Provide each member of the committee and the Director with a reading copy of the proposal and have one additional copy available for loanupload a digital copy to Blackboard.

15.5  Conduct of the meeting


  • The Examination Committee consists of seven five or six members:
    • A chairperson (appointed by the Graduate School)
    • The student’s committee (consisting of four people, at least three from the  iSchool, as noted in 15.3)
    • A reader from the IST faculty, appointed by the Director
    • A reader An external examiner from outside of IST, chosen by the student’s advisor and the Director
    • An oral examination
    cannot be scheduled until the student’s advisor and at least one other member
    • chair, who should be a faculty member from another department or School at Syracuse University (see also the academic rules from the Graduate School)
    • The external examiner and the oral examination chair may be served by one person
  • The oral examination cannot be scheduled until the student’s advisor and at least one other member of the student’s committee, or the Director, have certified the “dissertation is acceptable for the purpose of examination”. (Academic Rules, Section 32).
  • The dissertation defense cannot be scheduled during a time when the faculty are not on academic year appointments. This means that no defenses can be held during holiday breaks or summer.


  • Should the candidate miss this date, the defense must be rescheduled.
  • Schedule the exam with his/her their examination committee and announce the meeting.
  • File Doctoral Form #9.
  • Distribute an abstract of the dissertation to all IST Faculty members, all resident Ph.D. students, and interested Master’s students.Provide each member of the examination committee with a reading copy of the dissertation (the “defensible draft”) and have one additional copyAt least 22 days before the final oral examination the student must provide each member of the examination committee with a reading copy of the dissertation.
  • The reading copies of the dissertation should be in the format required by the Graduate School.
  • The dissertation must be complete in all substantive ways, including chapters, appendices, bibliography, title, footnotes and table of contents and should adhere to the formatting standards of the University.
  • Acknowledgements should be omitted

16.5  Conduct of the meeting

  • The chairperson appointed by the Graduate School chairs the meeting (Academic Rules, Section 32).
  • The final oral exam is open to all interested faculty members and students. They may participate in the examination.

16.6  The student’s advisor will take the minutes of the meeting.

  • The minutes will contain the date of the meeting, the names of those present and the committee’s decision regarding the acceptance of the dissertation. If the committee does not accept the dissertation, the minutes must include the reasons for the decision. If the dissertation is accepted with modification, the minutes must record details of the required revisions.
  • A copy of the minutes will be given to the student.
  • A copy of the minutes will be included in the student’s permanent file.
  • The student’s advisor must file Doctoral Form #10 to record the committee’s decision.


  • .
  • Should the candidate miss this date, the defense must be rescheduled.
  • Schedule the exam with their examination committee and announce the meeting.
  • Distribute an abstract of the dissertation to all IST Faculty members, all resident Ph.D. students, and interested master’s students.

16.3.1 A go/no-go decision has no bearing on the outcome of the defense; it is only an indication that a defense is appropriate
16.3.2 A defense will be held only if all members agree to do so: missing votes are treated as a no-go decision.
16.3.3 At least 14 days before the final exam, the student must schedule the exam with their examination committee and announce the meeting.
      File Doctoral Form #9

     Distribute an abstract of the dissertation to all IST Faculty members, all resident Ph.D. students, and interested Masters and undergraduate students
     Make one additional copy available for viewing.

16.4  Conduct of the meeting

  • The chairperson appointed by the Graduate School chairs the meeting (Academic Rules, Section 32).
  • The final oral exam is open to all interested faculty members and students. They may participate in the examination.
  • The external and internal examiner will lead the questioning.
  • All members of the committee, other than the advisor, are expected to be involved in the questioning of the student.

16.5  The student’s advisor will take the minutes of the meeting.

  • The minutes will contain the date of the meeting, the names of those present and the committee’s decision regarding the acceptance of the dissertation. If the committee does not accept the dissertation, the minutes must include the reasons for the decision. If the dissertation is accepted with modification, the minutes must record details of the required revisions.
  • A copy of the minutes will be given to the student.
  • A copy of the minutes will be included in the student’s permanent file.
  • The student’s advisor must file Doctoral Form #10 to record the committee’s decision.
  • The external and internal examiner are to rate the defense and dissertation
    document as:
    (a) excellent (of similar levels of quality as the top 20% of such efforts)
    (b) satisfactory (of similar levels of quality as 60% of such efforts)
    (c) weak (of similar levels of quality with lower 20% of such efforts)
    And report this, with summary comments as to why, to the director of the doctoral program within seven (7) days following the date of the defense
    • Within 21 days of the defense, the director of the doctoral program will provide a summary letter to the student and their advisor, reflecting the examiner’s rating and comments.
    • The examination committee must decide by majority vote (per Academic Rules


    • Section 32) whether:
      • The dissertation is accepted as written (pass)
      • The dissertation with minor revisions (editorial) is accepted
  • .
      • (pass)
      • The dissertation with
  • modifications
      • major revisions (substantive) is accepted
      • (pass)
      • The dissertation is not accepted (not pass).
  • A student can attempt a second defense if the dissertation is not accepted.

16.All members of the examination committee, including the student’s advisor, vote on acceptance of the dissertation.

16.If the dissertation is accepted, the student must provide the School of Information Studies and the University Library with bound copies of the complete thesis after all of the changes and corrections have been made.

  • The School’s copy will become the property of the School and will be made available to all interested students and members of the faculty.

16.10 8 If the committee finds that, as a result of the defense, revisions are required, a deadline must be set by the committee for the student to complete.

  • The deadline for these revisions must be less than 1 year from the defense date o .
  • Failure to submit the revisions by the deadline means the dissertation is not accepted (and the student cannot continue after a second non-acceptance, per 16.6).


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22.3 Please visit for more information

Section 23: Auditing a Course
